@mdc yes! I did this with anything that scared my puppy when he was little. Dogs barking through the fence, the vacuum, people moving erratically. He’s pretty bullet proof now except for his nemesis the broom.
@peggyleggy Our dog was a mess Monday night. She was howling for ghe first time ever and was in total panic mode most of the night.

Her vet perscribed Trazidone for long car rides, so we called, got the okay, and gave her a half dose tonight.

Slept right through the fireworks. Biggest reaction she gave was a big fart
@peggyleggy My pup didn’t react much her first 4th of July.. however this year is a different story.. poor thing kept hiding and shaking and wouldn’t come out from under the bed/desk. Had to give her calming treats so she’d relax..
@fmp6954 Same - we did fine last year and do fine with the smaller ones set off in our neighborhood, but she was pretty freaked out about the big show this year. I set a calendar reminder to get drugs from the vet at the beginning of June next year.
@fmp6954 Mine was also fine the first year, as long as it wasn't a super loud one that he could see. That happened once courtesy of my neighbors while we were coming back from a walk, days before the 4th. He even ripped the leash from my hand to run to the back door. This year he was fine. A little nervous and jumpy but he didn't react strongly. I just gave lots of treats.
@peggyleggy I’m just now coming down from screaming at my neighbor (and unfortunately his very young son witnessed this). Nearby fireworks at the high school ended and I took my pup out for a quick stroll. On our way back I heard some fireworks going off and could tell it was coming from my street so I stopped at the corner and asked my neighbor to let me pass by before lighting another one. He stopped what he was doing so I continued on and then he lit one and the shit misfired and went toward me and my dog just missing the front of my face.

I… lost… it.

Fireworks can be so unpredictable and dangerous, especially in the wrong hands. I’m glad you and the pup are safe and she did well w them tonight ❤️
@sunione I like to think we're still just toddlers as a species. In terms of consciousness, we all just got here. In terms of being nice, we aren't even close.

edit: wrote race first lmaaao
@josef7 And apparently setting them off is still illegal here… hmmm wonder why 😒

Thanks to you and @susanlyin for teaching me something new and for the kind words.
@sunione I would've cussed him up one side and down the other! Thank goodness it didn't hit you. Fireworks don't belong in residential areas FULL STOP. My neighborhood was a warzone last night and my poor pittie was inconsolable 😥
@sunione I support losing your shit when someone puts other people and humans at risk. My best friend is a nurse in the ER and firework days/nights are great for people losing fingers, eye sight, and worse.

I'm not sure when we thought it's ok to treat what's basically a weapon as a leisure public activity. Where I live it's illegal to do your own backyard fireworks but people will get them out of state anyway.

My neighborhood looks like a warzone.

I imagine this can be a massive trigger for war veterans and refugees of war. Aside from it being terrifying for dogs.

Tell your neighbor I yelled at him, too. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🐶💕
@sunione What’s unfortunate was for the son to witness attempted murder and animal endangerment, not your response to recklessness. I’m so sorry that’s awful.