How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?

@burialchoice Getting a grooming table on a loop is a good way to start training him at home. You can use treats while getting him used to handling. My lab/shep is HORRIBLE for nails. As a groomer, it's kind of embarrassing bringing him to work with me to groom him. But doing stuff in the floor makes him turn into full german shepherd mode...
On the table, he just whines a little.

You can find a medium sized dog table on Amazon for around $100. You could also put him on a table you have but the neck or shoulder restraint is important for their safety so I would personally recommend getting a grooming table.

Good luck! It's possible to make them behave at home but it's hard. Just like kids lol
@hache Yeah my only options are floor and couch but floor is definitely play time and couch tends to be nap time so I get why he doesn’t really want grooming to enter those zones. I’m not sure I have the space for a grooming table but I’ll look into it, thanks for the tip.
@burialchoice Cavs are usually very good for grooming except for wanting to sit the whole time lol. The biggest issue I've ever had with a cav in my 15 years of grooming was with my own personal cav and that was that she would bark at any other humans she saw during her groom because she wanted them to come pet her.

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