My dog isn’t safe around my baby. Is it time for BE?

@sknp1333 A lot of shelters won’t take dogs with a bite history nor is it ethical. This dog is being handled at his best by a competent person who knows his history right now.

What happens if the dog gets adopted out to a well-meaning person who takes the dog to an obedience class, sees that it has excellent training, and lets it meet their 5 month old nephew because “it seems safe enough?”

It sucks but it’s true. An aggressive dog was adopted out to me and it hurt a kid on my watch because I wasn’t aware of the dog’s full history.
@cathya Spot on here. I know he wouldn’t be safe in the “open market” so to speak.

If he’s rehomed, it would have to be a place with no kids and best scenario would be in a security capacity. No one should be around the dog except for whoever he bonds with as his master.
@sknp1333 The hardest part of submitting him to a shelter is I know he’d break down. I’ve kept him at a kennel and he sat in the corner and started having diarrhea. A friend sent me a picture and he looked so sad we got him picked up and taken back to our house.

It may sound weird, but if my options are to euthanize or send back to a shelter, I’d rather be with him and let him go in peace with me.

Our city is horrible about dogs. Our shelters are severely impacted and he would almost certainly be put down anyway (but I wouldn’t be with him).
@mjm13 He's protective of your kids. All of the bites happened to protect your family. You're saying he barked at the door, not your kid. I'm not sure what you're worried about. Your kids are as safe as they could be.
@madeline97 To be clear, he was absolutely barking and snarling aggressively at my son. It’s a sliding glass door. I’m not unsure about what my dog was doing.

It’s possible that he couldn’t tell it was my son through the glass (it’s a little smudged), but with all the other warning signs, I’m concerned.
@mjm13 You are apiece of shit .that dog is your child .you stole him from his mom and now you want to kill him because you are a shitty pet parent .where are you located , I want to take him away from filth like you
@imagebeastmarkbeast Lovely person you are.

My children are my children. My dog is my dog.

I rescued him from a shelter that euthanized almost 800 dogs the year we adopted him. I didn’t take him from his mom. He was a stray in a city that’s full of strays and impacted shelters.

I hear that you love animals. I do too, this is a hard decision to weigh.
@mjm13 Then you should have not gotten him .dogs are like children , would you put your daughter down if she attacked somebody .you may see him as a dog but he sees you as his mom . And that dog will be more loyal to you than any child ever will be . Go ahead kill him , and see how the guilt haunts you . You have innocent blood on your hands . My first dog had poorly developed kidneys that we found out when he was 6 months . I was told to put him to sleep . They told me there is a treatment that would extend his life by a year (good quality of life ) but would cost 30 k . I put everything in my life on hold including getting married because as his father I had to stand on business and take care of my son . He got a solid year with us where he was healthy , and then got sick really sick and we put him to sleep . But that one year I made sure he made a life time of memories . All my dogs are rescues , never met a dog that could not be trained to be better .the fact that you have one of the smartest breeds and that he has improved tremendously . Don’t sell me this bs , you are too lazy to spend a few thousand bucks getting him top notch (not run off the mill) training , making sure your human child understands boundaries of an animal and respects it . You are gonna kill this poor child , and then get a helpless doodle because that is what your kid would want . Don’t give me this BS , this does not seem like a child issue , the poor dog has become slight inconvenience to you and you don’t want to deal with it .the fact that you would not even call a non kill rescue or let somebody adopt him makes me know you have murder on your mind . Are you in Canada or Ontario or close to the border on the states side ?
@aidan This dog clearly won’t . Maybe don’t adopt and rescue dogs if you are going to kill them a few years later . There are so many things you can do . Secondly , find a rescue instead of killing him . I know paragraphs are allowed on Reddit, just like not posting about shitty jewellery is also allowed Katie
@aidan Yes they will . There are you just have to use the power of the internet .you adopted this poor dog , knowing you will have a child and now you are like fuck you dog , your inconveniencing my life so you need to die . There are people who adopt and care for dogs . Literally a fucking google search . This lady has murder in her mind and she is going to kill this poor dog cause her new fuck trophy does not
Understand boundaries and how to act around dogs

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