[Fluff] This is Michael, an abandoned Samoyed


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I live in Bangladesh, a small country. Recently I started a new job, from the office balcony, where I usually go to have a smoke or two, I can see an empty space(belongs to one of the largest company in Bangladesh). One day, I see a white fluffy doggo, looking for food all the time, the guards over there were torturing him, throwing stones and shouting at him. I immediately went to them and ask about him.

The guards said: "There were six other dogs like him, he was left here 3 years ago, because the owner said he was about to die so they left him here". I said, if he was about to die, how come he went on to live for 3 years? Is this a fucking joke? I politely asked them to hand over the dog to me. They denied, they said if they give him to me, they will get fired. So I came back home, I searched for the owner in facebook and sent her a message. I got blocked in facebook. So everyday at noon(Lunch Break) I visited the place to feed him.

On the night of 31st December 2017, the workers celebrated and as a fun, they threw some colors on top of Michael's body. After visiting the place 7 days straight, the guards changed their decision and decided to hand over Michael to me, only that I will give them a sum of money. Approximately, 5000 Taka (61USD) was Michael's release clause.

This was the place where Michael was kept, the orange circle is him

When I found Michael, he was looking like this:

When I brought Michael home, he had "Severe Eye infection(the eye borders literally rotting, his body had countless ticks and fleas. His fur was dirty, and most of the fur were clotted. They became so thick that it was not fur anymore ( You can see in the pictures above). He was hungry for months. He only ate insects and whatever he found in the field.

With the countless good wishes and donations from Imgur users, I could help Michael. Many thanks to them, the amount of support from them are all I needed. But Michael needs more love and care.

I took him to a vet, his fur has been trimmed down, the vet used a flea spray on his body and injected him with a vaccine and gave him a shower.

This is how Michael looks right now. He is suffering from severe separation anxiety and he needs cuddles.
@jkrlynch Thank you. I'm doing my very best to keep him most happy. Right now I only wish he could go back to his original health state. Currently I'm fighting with my family to keep i him indoors since Michael is sick, my parents are thinking that we might get sick from his diseases. And I can't keep Michael outside my sight because 5 minutes of my absence and he starts barking.
@logicality What do you mean by him being sick? Does he have anything wrong with him besides the eye infection? Most illnesses that dogs come down with are not zoonotic (meaning they can't be passed to people).
@imagebeastmarkbeast EXACTLY!! My parents think that a dog in a house denies Angels to come also if I keep a dog in a room, you can't take prayer there. But my parents are not concern about prayer, we have a separate prayer room where Michael is not allowed. But still they are worried about his health and it might spread between us.
@logicality Dogs are the actual angels in this world. What people fail to realize is by treating other animals with respect then youre doing a service to God (Allah). My parents pray anywhere anytime and the dogs don’t even bother them. I would suggest you to NOT get rid of him. They will get used to him and have a change of heart! Also, please find a way to prove to them that dogs do not spread anything to humans. Maybe certain insects if they are not properly medicated and cleaned them yes but otherwise they are deluded.

Just keep the dog clean and not muddy and you will be fine. If you have any questions you can ask me
@logicality There’s some good resources out there for lessening separation anxiety. It takes time with training but it’s worth it.

They also have anxiety meds for dogs if training doesn’t seem to work for him.

Thanks for taking care of the sweet baby, I hope he gets well soon ❤️
@ang7999 I work from 9:00AM to 8:30PM(well it's 7Pm but it takes 1 hour ++ for me to get home) so I barely get any time apart from Fridays. I could really do some advise on how to minimize his separation anxiety. What are the toys or medicines which are most effective for this problem?
@logicality You could try leaving a dirty tshirt of yours or a blanket with your scent on it where he sleeps. He will cuddle it for comfort when you are not there. The best way to scent it is to leave it with your dirty laundry for a few days and then put it in his kennel or in his bed, and re-do this every few days so the connection stays fresh
@logicality All dogs love peanut butter, if you’re able to buy a toy called Kong it has a small hole you can fit treats inside or smear peanut butter. Freeze the toy as well if you can. Find out if he likes rubber toys or squeaky toys. You must make him distracted so he has something to do while you’re gone.

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