[Fluff] This bill introduced by Congress would make Animal Cruelty a felony across the U.S

@jleahj86 I don't know what a profile of an animal abuser looks like. I think it spans all races. And I support animal abuse being a felony. People who abuse animals don't have respect for living things. To me, this behavior is a clear warning that something is off.
@jleahj86 I would caution folks against getting too excited about this going anywhere. Despite the bipartisan support it’s pretty tricky to get things done right now federally, so I’d not expect too much.
@jleahj86 “The torture of innocent animals is abhorrent”

Sadly, they don’t mean all animals. Farm animals are tortured in the billions and nobody thinks twice about it.
@newhopeinhim They were cracking down BIG TIME on the dairy farms in Florida last year. Going undercover, shooting videos etc. It was a big scandal. The expose made me switch to purchasing (more expensive) cruelty free milk. It was a real eye opener.
@newhopeinhim Well, actually many states are passing laws that totally bans those kinds of terrible places, and only allows free range farming and stuff like that, soon I hope, every state will have these laws and we’ll see an end to this kind of stuff in America
@newhopeinhim In some cases yes, although factory farms are on the decline, let’s just hope McDonald’s is getting their chicken from reliable farms....If it even is chicken and not some, glop

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