[Fluff] Somehow ended up with the most considerate dog ever


New member
My husband had to work very hard to convince me to get a dog. One of my biggest hesitations was impact on sleep. I’ve run into so many exhausted looking people who then tell you about their dog who takes up more than their fair share of the bed or consistently wakes them up at like 4:00 am. I was NOT down for that. I already have sleep issues. I knew I would not be able to handle a dog, no matter how cute, ruining my sleep. Nevertheless, I was convinced. My husband assured me we’d figure it out and be able to work on training for any issues like that. So I agreed.

Enter Solveig. I wish I could take credit for training her to this, but she mostly just happens to have the best little temperament along with some decent smarts and apparently solid interpersonal skills.

We started her in a crate at night, but decided to transition to a dog bed when we moved to a place with a tiny bedroom. I was a little scared we’d end up with her in the bed every night or that this would be when she’d decide to wake us up early.

But no. The angel is SO considerate of our sleep routine and has developed her own complementary routine. First, we all snuggle together in bed. All the snuggles. Lots of baby talk. Eventually, we start reading and our pets slow down and she then opts to move to her first sleep spot - a corner of hardwood floor. Can’t figure out why she likes to start there. Doesn’t seem comfy. Usually by the time I turn my light off, she’s moved to her dog bed beside me and is all curled up.

Then. THEN. She sleeps quietly beside me until I wake up. No matter when that is. 6:30 am on a weekday? Does not bug me until she can tell me I’m waking up. 10:00 am on a Saturday? Waits patiently until I stir. (Okay, truthfully, every once in a while if we sleep super late she will lick my foot to see if I want to get up but if I hide my foot she’ll settle again.)

And you guys. I don’t even know how she’s so in tune with me. Sometimes I get up to pee before my alarm goes off and go back to bed for a while, but somehow she differentiates that from me actually getting up. Even if I’m restless for a bit, she can tell I want to sleep more. And I often wake up a few minutes before my alarm, and she can always tell if I’m going to stay awake or go back to sleep.

Once she knows I’m awake, she sits up, her little eyes about level with mine. She puts one paw in, then two, and then she smoothly snuggles herself into my arms.

You guys. How did I get this lucky? How? So thankful for this creature.

Edit to add dog tax!! Solveig the Snuggler

(This photo is a little dated now, but it’s a fave :))

TLDR: I was scared of a dog disrupting sleep, but serendipitously ended up with the most considerate snuggle bug in the world.
@democretus My dog goes to bed at 9 pm regardless of what anyone is doing, and if we’re out somewhere past that time (pre-pandemic of course) she will sit beside me and stare into my eyes and whine softly every once in a while until we take her home to bed 😂
@dreamaway I started with cats and now have 2 cats and 2 dogs.

I had to train my eldest cat to sleep at around 10pm so that we sleep at the same time and wake at the same time. What I didn't realize was that she will get so used to sleeping with me that after a while, when she would get sleepy at 10ish she would meow cutely to ask me to come to bed as well.

For a few months, if I had planned to stay up later than the usual sleeping time, I would have to go snuggle up with her so that she sleeps and then come out and continue with what I am doing. ( Just like parents do with their human baby)

Now she has learned to come and snuggle up where ever I am and doze of the sleep

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