[Fluff] I finally gave my dog the best week of his life


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I have a golden lab husky mix that was born in January 2020.

He is extremely social. He love dogs and people. Sadly, because of Covid, he dont get lots of play time with other people/dogs. Me and my GF are playing with him daily, but its not enough.

Since Friday i have been off work just as covid measure ease up in our region allowing us small gathering.

Friday: BBQ at the in-laws, he played with their dog for hours.

Saturday: Visited my sister who have 3 boys aged 5-10. They threw im more ball than he could gather and somewhat taught him how to play tag.

Sunday: Firewood delivery. Thats his Christmas. More log than he can ever imagine. A friend come to help us stack it and bring his dog.

Monday: Second half of the firewood delivery. My GF friend come help us and bring her 3 dog with a 4 month old puppy. My dog play a bit hard with the puppy but after a few timeout he learn to play softer and show the puppy how to bring the logs back

Tuesday: We go help a friend build a new pig pen on her small farm. My dog rolled in the mud with pigs, scared the chicken away, ran beside the ATV and swam in the pond. At the end of the day, he didnt want to leave.

Wednesday: BBQ at my house. 2 friend come and bring their small dog. He remembered how to play with small dog and act like a gentleman. He even tried to show his new lady friend his bed, but she was not interested. He sleeped in his kennel, because he was too tired and sore to go upstair to his bed. Thats the first time that happen in 14 months we had him.

Today: He refuse to do anything. Phrase like: "Want to take a walk" would usually send him in a tornado of unspent energy and happiness now only make him whimper as he slowly drag himself to the door.

It was the best week of his life. But now he is too tired so we are going to let him rest.

dog tax

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