considering a spoo

@jwfletch Personally I’d do a 1 comb. It’s still short and it looks beautiful on every poodle I’ve ever groomed. The 4 blade is also shorter and looks amazing as well! Just make sure to start grooming right when it gets all its shots! It’s important. I own 2 standards I keep very long but they are AMAZING dogs.
@jwfletch My spoo is short all summer and long in the winter because we live in Canada and it regularly gets down to -20°C. I don't think he cares though because he will still try to play in the lake 😂. He's being shaved down to 1/4" this weekend though because he's too hot now.

I got him from a really good breeder and she started grooming at 3 weeks so he was well adjusted by the time I brought him home at 10 weeks. I'd recommend waiting until 12 weeks if possible but no earlier than 10. They learn a lot of socialization skills from their littermates which helps throughout the entire duration of their life. I'm a professional groomer so I do my dog myself and as a puppy, he was bathed every 2 weeks (if not more because he was a psycho and peed on his legs hahah) and groomed every 4 weeks.
@jwfletch Yes!!!! It's your dog is your choice! Whether you want to keep them long or short is all up to you. The only time is not to to you is if you are going to show them. Have a few clients with pure bred spoos and honestly love them. Some gets breed standard, some gets them short and some likes them fluffy! If you can handle the maintenance the only other thing for you to do is to find the right groomer that can help you envision what you want.
@jwfletch A standard poodle will take daily line combing and trimming frequently 4-6 weeks or near daily if you want to maintain a long coat. It is doable. An Irish setter has minimal coat care needs compared to a poodle or pwd. I’ve had and maintained both.
@jwfletch yes yes yes! it's 100% okay to keep a curly coated dog short, and a lot of the time it's even more comfortable for them because there's no hair in their eyes, mouth, or privates. it'll also be a million times easier for you AND your groomer to maintain. you're one of very few people i've ever seen to ask this and i respect that you're doing research before getting a puppy :) a lot of people don't and i've seen too many animals suffering (with mats etc.) because of it
@jwfletch I have two SPoos. I keep my girl in a fifth Avenue and my boy in a German trim.

The best thing with poodles is you can do whatever you want with their coat. They are also one of the few breeds that don't suffer adverse effects from being taken short.

I will add, it can take up to three years before you get their full adult coat, so be prepared for coat change.

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