Fear aggressive pup... considering BE after 3.5 years of trying to make it work

@zarif I run a cattle dog rescue and believe it or not, there is a home out there that is suitable for her. She needs 1 owner, living somewhere with low key energy level, no people coming and going. You have done an amazing amount of work and should be commended. I suggest writing up a bio, great photos and list her on Save A Heeler on FaceBook. They have a huge fan base of cattle dog lovers, experts, and people seeking a heeler. Horse show people love heelers because they can leave the dog in the truck with all of their fancy equipment and no one dare tries to get to it, because they will bite. It's pretty common and she could definitely benefit from a new lifestyle that allows her to utilize her innate prey drive and herding tendencies. Best of luck to you.
@zarif Curiously, is she a red heeler? In our rescue the reds seem to have more aggression issues than the blues. We got a red female in that was so spastic that when out to play she would frantically run in circles until her hind quarters gave out from exhaustion. She would take a breather, then get up and start it again. We think she had a brain tumor because got gradually worse, mentally and succombed to loss of use of her limbs.
@zarif This sounds like such a journey and your dedication and drive is beyond any reasonable expectation. BE is absolutely something i would consider and it definitely feels like you have run out other options.

Ive used thia analogy a bit on here but my vet describes reactivity like cancer, some dogs get it skin deep and after a bit of work and recovery, bounce back to almost normal.. some dogs have it in their bones and like loosing a leg to cancer their lives are forever impacted regardless of treatment. For some dogs, their reactivity will kill them one way or another, its up to us to judge when their bad days outweigh the good.

If your dog was in pain instead of reactive would you be asking this question? Do you think that the life she has gained from your selfless dedication is worth how restricted she is? If nothing changed could your family survive this pressure long term?

BE isnt a cop out, or you being lazy, or a crappy dog owner to use it for its intended purpose. Hurting yourself by letting your dog go is a selfless act of love.

I hope you get what support you need.