baby groomer


New member
hey everyone! So I’ve been looking into getting my shears sharpened for the first time and was really wondering without being embarrassed asking the senior groomers at my job (not the humblest bunch) if I had to find somewhere to do my blades and fully clean my clipper instead n out. I learned how to during my grooming course , but don’t wanna damage anything just incase. Any feedback is very very welcoming! That goes for any tips for a starter out !
@ken4chirst Unfortunately you may have to ask the people you work with just because they probably have the number for a local sharpener. A lot of the folks who sharpen shears will also service clippers and blades as well.

There is the option to mail your stuff out to be worked on, the downside being that you will be without your tools for a few weeks. If you want to go that route, I’ve heard Northern Tail Sharpening does great work on clippers and I can attest that Shears by Shane does amazing work with shears and blades.