My puppy is currently crying because: I opened a UPS package, but I am not letting her sniff its contents. Poor, poor baby

@gorhook He ate the wattle off it and crushed the squeaker so far. Managed to rip a tiny hole in it and pull stuffing out so I had to sew the hole shut. Still going strong!
@raeh Awesome. I can't wait for our next box. This time we got a weird pretzel toy thing - mine don't know what to do with it so it is going to my daughter's Corgi.
@jotch Just read the title and thought, "That has to be a corgi". My little booger (@trip_the_corgi) is the same exact way. If he doesn't get his way he lets you know he is not happy.
@jotch Huge fan of the sploot - mine does something similar, but it's a sliding bellyflop and I don't have a cute name for it yet. Maybe bellyfloop.

btw, mine's a perfect angel who never does anything wrong :)
chugs a glass of wine

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