Are we crazy or are people tone deaf??

@or19937 The clients do not care about our safety or convenience. That’s an unfortunate thing I’ve learned learned about this job. They want you to get it done no matter how much danger you are in. Sometimes I hate grooming
@or19937 We started doing consultations before we take cats. They’re so unpredictable, and while my groomer is very experienced with them - I’d rather her keep her hands and fingers in working condition. The consultation is free, she’ll evaluate the cats condition & if they let her handle them. Only then will we book them for a groom.
@illyricus also we've had cats come in panting, we turn them away, and they die on their way home. blood clots or cardiomyopathy or some shit. ya wouldn't think it but some of em are fragile as rabbits
@or19937 Unfortunately, there is a very persistent, old school attitude amongst groomers and pet owners of "just get it done" in regards to dog grooming. This also gets compounded with a devaluation of our field and the work we do, creating really horrible customer attitudes and expectations.

Thankfully, I feel knowledge of animal welfare and best practices is increasing, in part due to the accessibility of the internet and social media. I think the tide will begin to tip in the favor of groomers who refuse to traumatize animals. We have Fear Free, chill protocol, and cooperative care gaining footing in these more humane care models, and they're also supported by vets.

Hopefully as time goes on, more groomers will band together and refuse to strong arm animals to complete a service, and they will refuse to serve clients who disrespect their time and put them in danger. I think this will also lend a bit more exclusivity and maturity to public perceptions of our work. We are trained and skilled professionals. We are capable of assessing the emotional and physical health of our clients and know when to stop or modify service. Our bodies and lives are important and do not need to be put in danger. Our time is valuable and customers will be on time for their appointments like anywhere else. It might take a few decades, but it will get there.
@or19937 After 38 years of business, the shop I work at no longer takes cats as of 6 years ago. Between the doctor and vet bills, grief from the cats and their owners, loss of income, the shop owner finally said I'm done with cats. I'm honestly extremely happy they made that decision!
@or19937 It sucks you can’t tell the owner how the other place has to treat that cat to get it done. Maybe the owner doesn’t care.
I do wish more people would understand that turning away an animal is better that traumatizing them.
@beccao Oh no, the owner TOLD US how they did it at the other place.
They WANTED us to strangle their cat. I don't think I'd ever willingly walk into a salon with my dog and tell them "yeah, I know she's stubborn, please do everything in your power to almost kill her"