“Wake up before your dog, it’ll help them sleep in longer” yeah thanks now he wakes up at 4:45am

@libra111 Wow I guess we may have lucked out with our mini golden doodle. On days I go to the gym I get up at 6am and he's awake but I can tell he doesn't want to do anything. Sometimes on days I get up at 7am I have to put his harness on and drag him to go potty otherwise I think he will just sleep.

He may have just gotten used to my fiance's schedule of nightshift work so she's home during the day with him but she's sleeping and if we leave the bedroom door open and she's home, he will literally go lay with her until she wakes up.

The only time he made a fuss was when we both slept past 930am and he heard us talking so he knew we were awake and wanted to come in or go out to potty.

We noticed sending him a day or two to daycare during the week tires him out enough for him to chill.

Try activities like snuffle mat or hide and seek to mentally tire him out.
@libra111 My pup used to be like this! Was the absolute worst when daylight savings time happened and I thought I was get an extra hour of sleep but she didn’t get the memo. And once she’s up she was UP for at least a few hours.

I don’t have advice for right now :( but this likely won’t last forever. My dog is 3 now and she sleeps in late, and will go to the bathroom and go back to sleep in the mornings. She really doesn’t get a burst of energy until the evenings now.
@libra111 Awwwww i’m really sorry, but your description of his antics in the AM makes me think of that audio that is frequently placed over dog videos on TikTok, “I’m just a hap hap happy guy, I’m just a happy, happy happy guy.” Wish I could help you with the sleep situation, I’m sure you’ll get great advice here.
@libra111 I will say for my corgi - (she is 9-10 months old) she sleeps in her crate and I cover it like a birdcage with a blanket. My bedroom also has blackout curtains. I noticed the other day the cat picked on her and pulled off the blanket and she woke up at 6am - most of them she sleeps from 11pm - 930am. IN fact some mornings when I have had to wake her up at 8am she is testy.

When she was young if she would need to get up to potty, we went outdoors and I immediately picked her up and brought her back to bed.

Now (like this morning) I had to go to bed early due to being exhausted and nursing a cold - so she got me up at 5am - I took her down to potty and let her stay downstairs while I went back to bed.
@libra111 I would suggest reviewing the daily routine including meals, walks and training. Does the dog get enough time to sniff around during the walk? Does it have enough time for the washroom needs? Do you play with your dog? Do you do physical and mental exercises? It seems that your dog has a lot of energy and very excited to spend a fascinating day with you early in the morning.

I know a lot of people do crate training especially for travel purposes and if you are interested in that i'd would do crate training but now for a longer period of time, maybe couple of months as every dog is different. Puppy'd need to love the crate and consider it as a safe place. it would not help to lock dog in the crate and wait until the puppy stops crying. this will only build a negative association of the crate in the dog's mind. the first couple of times it might be just entering the crate and staying there for a minute. But I am sure you know it.

However, the crate would not help if the dog has energy that it cannot release anywhere.

Try to teach your dog new tricks plus repeating/training some basic commands that it knows already. You can start with 20 min a day
@katrianna Little late, I don't get on reddit much anymore. He gets 3-4 15-30m walks every day and spends an additional 1-2 hrs outside in a fenced in yard as the weather allows, most of the time he's just free to play with toys on his own or sniff around but I play fetch for about 15-20m. He's on Trazadone 2x/day. I don't know what else he needs to try and wear himself out. Hours of walking & outdoor time, play, and literally a sedative twice a day doesn't slow him down.

I've resigned myself that nothing can at this point. Over Easter, he logged a 6am-3am day with zero naps, including the pills at breakfast and dinner, and didn't slow down from his usual playful self, and was up at 6am the following day like nothing happened.
@libra111 could you put the crate in your room so pup can see you? It might be a few days of whining but it might settle down - my 4.5 month old does really well if she can see me but not so well if she knows I’m home and in another room
@libra111 My now-3-year-old would be up at 5:30 every single morning no matter what we did until he was 2, doing the same thing as your puppy. So it probably won't be forever, not that that reassurance matters much when you're still currently losing sleep.

What's worked for me is just letting them be free in the house with the bedroom door open after a quick morning potty. I go back to sleep, the puppy can go play on their own and still be reassured that they can reach me whenever they want. I don't know why it's worked and it does require a certain level of trust.
@libra111 When my now 13 yr old Westie was a puppy, I had to drag her out of bed. If she didn’t sleep at least 12 hours, she was not a happy pup. I recently got a Westie puppy, who is 14 weeks old, and she made it to 7.30 am ONCE and I’ve had her for 5 weeks! It’s just the different temperaments of each dog. I’ve tried everything too, but she gets up between 5.42-6.38 am every damn day.
@libra111 What time does puppy usually go to sleep? If you all go to bed early does he still wake up at 5am? Maybe everyone can get extra sleep that way for now.
@libra111 My girl is 6 months old now, she sleeps all night in her kennel in my room. When the Hubs gets up at 5, she makes a lil squeal. WE have made this habit now, and she gets ¼ or less of her breakfast out in her kennel in the living room. I put it in with her, cover her kennel, and then We both go back to sleep. She then sleeps until about 7:30-8. I don't know how this happened but it's working for us. I wake up at about 6ish, that is my morning time to scroll and wake up for the day.
@libra111 We seem to have the opposite problem. No matter what we try, our 4 month old puppy refuses to sleep before 11:30 - 12, sometimes he stays up past that time as well. It's extremely hard to get him to go to sleep. Then he wakes up at 5ish to pee and poop, goes back to sleep within a few minutes on our bed, I shift him to his crate and then he sleeps till 8:15 and can actually go on till 10 if I don't get out of bed (only happens on the weekends). He has terrible acid reflux so we have to let him eat something at night till 10ish or else he throws up in the morning. Not sure which schedule is worse lol. I am constantly sleep deprived because he will wake up whenever we do. And he cannot be in a separate room from us at night, he gets too scared.
@libra111 Op I’m so sorry my only suggestion is to beg a close family member or friend to watch the pup while you sleep for a few hours.

If not- maybe save up for a rover or safe dayboarding place or similar situation so you can get a day off.

I started losing it when my pup wouldn’t let me sleep- I really hope it gets better for you.
@libra111 Is there anything calming/quiet activities you could give him as an alternative to jogging around the room between when he wakes up and when you want to wake up? A nice morning kong perhaps?

Mine, blessedly, loves a lie in so no idea if this will work or make things worse - just an idea to try?
@libra111 Our pom puppy sleeps till I wake up up. When she hears me, she wants out of her pen. She has pee pads in there, but they are usually dry. I take her outside to pee and rarely poo. She comes back inside within 5 or 10 minutes, and she pees an / or poos. But we are working on it . We had to start with pee pads because of her not being fully vaccinated. My previous dogs never used the. I can't decide if I like them or not lol. They sure are less work than having to clean the carpet every time she has an accident.

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