Should I wake pup up that’s been napping for 3 hours?

@matthew2414 Let her sleep, also my puppy was perfect from week 8 and 9. But once she got comfortable she was an absolute menace for around a month. I'd harbor some expectations a bit, but hopefully its smooth sailing.
@matthew2414 Ah, the slumbering puppy, a creature so fragile that it must never be awakened, not even by the faintest whisper or gentlest nudge. You see, to rouse a puppy from its dream-filled sleep is to commit an act of unspeakable villainy, akin to stealing candy from a baby or cutting in line at the coffee shop.

Do you hear that soft snoring, the gentle twitch of a paw? That, dear reader, is the sound of innocence itself. To wake a puppy is to risk unraveling the very fabric of the universe. Who knows what cataclysmic events might unfold if you dare disturb this peaceful creature? A rainstorm, a traffic jam, or even worse, a bad hair day!

Imagine, if you will, the soft gaze of disappointment from those puppy eyes, as they peer at you, bewildered and betrayed. You've interrupted dreams of endless fields filled with tennis balls, fire hydrants adorned with golden ribbons, and never-ending belly rubs. How could you?

And let's not forget the sacred Puppy Code, known to all true dog enthusiasts: "Let sleeping dogs lie, for their dreams are woven of joy and bacon, and to awaken them is to face a fate worse than a chewed-up slipper."

So, dear friend, tread lightly and speak in hushed tones, for the slumbering puppy is not merely a pet but a delicate work of art, a symphony of fur and paws that must never be disturbed. Let the little one dream on, for in dreams, they chase eternal happiness, and you wouldn't want to be the one to take that away, would you?
@matthew2414 Nope nope nope, Use that as a break LOL - My puppy is 1 year old now and she takes a nap from 9-11Am now days after our nice long walks, She might go outside to Sun bake a few times during that time.

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