Should I wake pup up that’s been napping for 3 hours?

@shawnee82003 Yup - let her sleep. I try not to wake my rescue when he's sleeping, esp if he's deep sleeping.

My previous rescue was deaf so it made it a lot easier to sneak out of a room and let her sleep.
@howru Haha at the moment I def thought something was wrong with him!! But he’s perfectly healthy and just turned 2 years old. Now his naps are maybe 2 hours
@frans the other day i took my 4 month great dane for a long ass evening walk and he was exhausted when we got back he ate his dinner went straight to bed around 8:30 and didn’t move until 7am 😂
@matthew2414 Good God! Some day very soon this sweet innocent question you have asked will make you shake with 😂 laughter😛… let your puppy sleep. I’m teasing you it was a good question but seriously they get active quickly! Enjoy the long naps!

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