Please, I beg of you, RESEARCH your dog trainer before just going to the cheapest place or the ‘highest reviewed’ place

@alexm961 Please copy and paste this exact comment into every review platform possible for the place. Im so sorry your pup went through this, hopefully her experience can be a warning that saves the next good boy or girl.
@mim4you For the sake of argument, how do you find a reputable trainer if not reviews?

While you've stated what not to do, how do you find one?

There's another one in Texas that is similar to this, the trainer said it was aggression. He's operating again and had no charges.
@eront I was interested in dog sports so I went to an AKC trial before I got my puppy. Talked to the people there, some who were trainers themselves, observed how they treated their dog before and after trialing. The trial facility also had their own training program - eventually ended up enrolling in it after talking to the owner and watching him trial his dog. He was so patient, never even raised his voice, and had the total attention of his dog!

I don't regret doing in it this way. Observing the trainer with his dog (or someone else's) is the best way to tell how they'll act with yours.

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