Please, I beg of you, RESEARCH your dog trainer before just going to the cheapest place or the ‘highest reviewed’ place

@alexm961 Please copy and paste this exact comment into every review platform possible for the place. Im so sorry your pup went through this, hopefully her experience can be a warning that saves the next good boy or girl.
@mim4you For the sake of argument, how do you find a reputable trainer if not reviews?

While you've stated what not to do, how do you find one?

There's another one in Texas that is similar to this, the trainer said it was aggression. He's operating again and had no charges.
@eront I was interested in dog sports so I went to an AKC trial before I got my puppy. Talked to the people there, some who were trainers themselves, observed how they treated their dog before and after trialing. The trial facility also had their own training program - eventually ended up enrolling in it after talking to the owner and watching him trial his dog. He was so patient, never even raised his voice, and had the total attention of his dog!

I don't regret doing in it this way. Observing the trainer with his dog (or someone else's) is the best way to tell how they'll act with yours.
@yazzy I do think this can only really work if a person really understands training.

I did reactive dog pack walks with a trainer and she was really my first exposure to dog training professionally. She used a lot of leash corrections and really encouraged people to yank the leash any time the dog acted up on the leash.

To somebody who doesn't know this is a potential problem, you could see it as fully humane. We get a lot of people who come on these subs who are like "oh, my trainer recommended using a martingale collar for corrections" or "my trainer says I need a shock collar to get my 4 month old dog to stop chasing my cat" and these people legitimately have no real basis to work off of because they don't really know what training should look like.

When TyCal K9 ended up having their footage leaked, they had a lot of people defending it in the sports side of things, specifically within PSA and several popular bitesport decoys, one of whom has his own TV show. So, in all reality, people don't know what good training looks like and when people have authority say it's fine, it's likely you're going to believe it. Of course, TyCal is an extreme, but in all reality, when you send your dog to a board and train you're trusting that person is who you think they are even when they know people aren't watching.
@eront What's wrong with a martingale collar? We're fostering a dog from the pound, and they gave him to us with a martingale collar on. The dog pulled so hard, my house mate wasn't able to control him, even with the collar on. Further, he tired me out. So I took him for a walk with a pronged collar on, and he was amazingly obedient.

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