What to do after dog grooming?


New member
I’m 20 y/o, been grooming (with a corporate company) since I was freshly 18, and I am already extremely burnt out. I don’t think I can handle customer service anymore, or at least upset customers. I’ve also got ADHD and all the average Gen Z mental illnesses, which make this job really difficult and draining for me. I guess I’m just looking for some advice on how to even start on deciding what to do next. Because I know I’m going to struggle a lot with the inevitable pay cut. I have monthly rent, car payments, and car insurance. Another thing is that I smoke weed, so like something that wouldn’t drug test😅. I know that I’ve gained lots of transferrable skills, but I don’t know how to go forward; I feel very stuck.
@trumpeter2 I’m 22 and in the same boat as you. I’ve looked into bartending and was able to find a school that also helps you get a job afterwards. I’m also thinking about going back to school for cosmetology. I would highly recommend the bartending when you turn 21, if you can afford the classes. It’s like two weeks long but worth it as they supply everything. At least that way you’ll still be making tips and depending on where you work, you can have your days to yourself and work nights.
@trumpeter2 There’s a lot you can do! I worked for an overnight dog kennel place for awhile it was super easy and paid super well. You honestly can do a lot of things since you’re still so young. It might be difficult at first with your burnout (trust me I relate I saved up 2 years ago specifically so I could take a few months off work)

Some other advice from someone who had major burnout is you could look for entry level remote jobs. The pay cut wouldn’t be great but it could help a lot with your mental health cause you’d at least be at home.

Unfortunately with every job you have to deal with annoying customers and sometimes coworkers. I used to get two weeks paid vacation and I honestly just used it so I could sit around and do nothing for a full week.

Luckily I opened an in home business with my friend this year so I basically make my own hours. That way if I know I’m headed towards a burnout I can take a long weekend here and there.
@trumpeter2 I started grooming at 18, then did internships with animals in a few different states, volunteered at zoos , started working at a dog boarding place , worked at a vet clinic, worked at an animals shelter - became a vet tech and at 37 opened my own grooming salon . I had to groom part-time to fund everything else I was doing bc I wasn't able to afford life without it lol

I also have adhd, hence my jumping around in the animal field. I'm already getting antsy and started volunteering with sea turtles and looking into working with a bird sanctuary cuz my brain . I do love grooming but it just can't be the only thing
@trumpeter2 I’ve been grooming since I’m 18 and I’m almost 29. I have done it all. Managed small shops, power groomed, owned a small shop until Covid hit, and currently a salon manager at petsmart. Which btw the position is getting dissolved. There has been years I made 6 figure and years I’ve made 40k.
I absolutely love grooming. It’s my passion and I’ve poured all of my love into it. Grooming used to always provide a comfortable income, but in this economy the back breaking work just isn’t paying off like it used to. You can only charge so much for grooming and like most things, the price points aren’t catching up to cost of living.
My advice to you- stay corporate (yup I said it) it will always pay hourly on days you’re slow, unlike most private shops where you go home with $0 on a slow day. I have amazing benefits and great PTO.
That said… find something else in the animal world if you love animals. Grooming makes a very lucrative part time job while you work at different one or go back to school.
I have adhd severe and I’m on the spectrum. I understand your struggle deeply. I just made the choice to go to vet school and I’m terrified, but I wish I had believed in myself sooner to make this switch.After 11 years my body cannot withstand the physical toll of grooming, I promise you it will happen to you too. I’m getting married and I want to start a family. I regret waiting too long because life is moving fast.
Don’t let your deficits in learning stop you from what you want, explore other opportunities in the animal field and remember grooming will ALWAYS be there for you. If you are feeling unsure now, read the writing on the wall and be proactive.

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