What is the best dog food?


New member
I just ordered royal canine mini for my 3,5 months old toy poodle she has gained weight and now 1.9 kgs.

I was wondering if this brand is good enough? Would you recommend something different? It hasnt shipped yet i might cancel it. She had royal canine starter before. Is it okay to just switch?

thanks in advance
@sahel Are you feeding puppy food? Have you checked with the vet to ensure the weight gain is weight gain or just normal growth? Are you feeding proper ratio/amounts?

I would speak with the vet first. Puppies should be on puppy food for proper development and growth. As for weight gain it’s hard to say, puppies grow and speaking with your vet they can tell you if you’re over feeding as well if your puppy is just growing.
@mufudzi Thank you for your answer. They said its normal growth. We feed her around 3 table spoons of kibble 2 times a day.

She is on starter new born food from royal canine now but she should switch to puppy food after this. I wanted to check if its a good enough brand?
@sahel Royal canine is a good brand! It’s WSAVA compliant with lots of testing, vet recommendations and research behind it. Puppies grow fast so if the vets say everything is good I would trust them! As for switching food I haven’t heard of new born food so I’d just reach out to your vet to ask if you should switch but it’s probably fine considering your pup is still so young.