Best way to get my dog to eat sedative capsules

@giants89 I love the velveeta and peanut butter suggestions but, if they don’t work for you (they didn’t for me because the dog still managed to spit out the dang pill) try a slice of meat and wrap it in there. I use salami and make it small enough where I know my dog will just swallow it quickly. The key is to use something, anything that they will swallow and not chew. Good luck!
@giants89 Try something that takes effort to chew but small enough to swallow. And raw chicken creeps me out, it seems unsafe if you are in the US. I’m not judging, just recommending, we gotta take care of our babies any way we can! You’ll find what works!
@giants89 I gave my senior dog pills that are really stinky, and if I try to wrap them inside of bread or rice or anything that isn’t strong, smelling, she will spit the pill out.

Chicken livers are sold by the pound of the grocery store. Buy some and throw them in the blender after cooking on the stove with a little butter or pumpkin so that it’s a paste. I then freeze it in little jars and take out one jar at a time. A pill inside of a half teaspoon of that stuff completely covers the smell and taste!
@giants89 Hot dogs work for mine. Cut a small hole and put the pill inside. The first few small pieces have no pill. I sneak a pill one in and then immediately shove another piece, sans pill, to him and he eats it up without noticing the pilled piece lol Cut them in small pieces so he doesn't take time to notice the pill
@giants89 its not the best for everyday pills - but if its just once and your pup is tolerant, i’ve had to pill my dog like a cat. open their mouth, put the pills in, tilt their head up then hold their mouth closed and gently blow into their nose. it makes them swallow and then i always follow it up with a super yummy treat to insure they don’t cough it back up!
@giants89 crush those babies up and put ‘em in a lil bowl of plain greek yogurt, works like a charm :) you could also get some chicken broth, put it in a cup, drop the crushed tablets in, and then put the broth in the bowl with his food or just let him drink it straight up! also, my first dogs name was samson too! i hope at least one of all the suggestions everyones given proves to work 😅