What are the top 5 skills should you teach a dog?

@wford91 Not the commenter, but I would use a high-value toy or treat exclusively for this training, so the dog only has access while learning. I’d also very gradually sneak it slightly put of sight or give her hints as to where it is. Slow and steady, frequent short sessions to prevent frustration and fatigue.
  1. Leash manners (walking at your heel, turning when you turn, sitting when you get to a road before crossing, no pulling.) I've listed this as #1 because it sets your relationship up, with you leading the way and your dog following. It also teaches impulse control.
  2. Good recall. Think about your dog running towards another dog, onto a road etc. How will you get them back if they accidentally get out?
  3. Stay. Don't follow me out the door, wait before you jump out of the car, wait until I'm done putting your food out etc
  4. Sit, stand, shake while you handle them. For vet visits, grooming, nail clippings etc
  5. Drop it / leave it. Have something in your mouth? Is that a chip wrappper? Drop it now
@ramijj8 Settle, crate training (even if you don't keep them in a crate for long it is SO useful to have them see a crate as a GOOD place to be in), loose leash walking, place and stay. Those are the five that I would train on big time because they're all so useful!
@ramijj8 House manners including potty training and learning what is and is not appropriate to chew and scratch. Leave it/impulse control, a solid recall/come, and focus/look at me. People say sit and down are super important, which they can come in handy and helpful for other things, but they actually aren’t mandatory. I’d also throw in general exposure to different environments and people of all ages.

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