we think our corgi might have e coli but we arent sure and we dont know how concerned we should be?


New member
how fast should we take him to the vet? idrk if this is an emergency or anything we are kind of stupid, and are we worried over nothing or is this a genuine concern?

tonight he's been extremely lethargic and his ears and body are fairly cold to the touch, he often eats feces on our walks and we've been trying to get him to stop so the first thing we thought of was e coli since it has similar symptoms. his head was also very shaky and he had to be fed supper by my sister on a spoon because he couldnt eat by himself.

im just very concerned and drunk and idrk what to do cuz i love the lil guy and ion want him to suffer ☹

edit: yall he ate some of our edibles and got high as shit, nvm
@chang dog got into our edibles, we just took him to the vet and thats what they said.

definitely right to go in the first place though cuz apparently it was the same symptoms as if he were to get into antifreeze!
@tmaria That wouldn’t be on my list of concerns. However, lethargy and complete lack of appetite can be a lot of other serious things, and this is a situation that is urgent. The vet needs to do some diagnostics and a full exam to give you better information.

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