We didn't abort our morning walk


New member
Hi all

I wrote a rant a couple weeks ago about my 9.5 month old labrador that got zoomies and parkouring off me (body slamming) on our long line morning walk - leading to me marching her home.

For the most part the replies made me feel so much better as so many experienced the same! I also got some great advice which has lead to a massive improvement in her episodes:
  1. We reduced the amount of fetch, much to her devastation. We still do most days but will more of a focus on self control (waiting for permission to run & retrieve), but the sessions are much shorter and not all involve the chuck-it.
  2. I carry a tug toy on the walk, when she gets the zooms I shove it at her and walk on. Now commencing a tug/drag session that she loves, and really calms her down resulting in no body slamming. I did forget the toy once and resorted to an emergency stick which is not my favourite option but thank god I had it.
Doing these has not only resulted in SEVERAL incident free walks but when she does get the zooms the toy is my saviour.

So thank you! Puppy tax after a long walk

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