The best feeling I didn’t know I could have!

@here2helpyou Me and my wife are after 2 weeks with a new puppy depressed af. Fucking hell its difficult. We cant sleep properly she whines in the crate fml. When does it stop? Its like a roller-coaster one day she is sweet, next day all daemos possesses her. I work from home, my wife has to cook and tidy the house and do the laundry. I am with her almost 100% of the time. I have no time for myself. When my wife is with her she is the worst when I come its all ok. I dont get it. This dog was my wifes idea and its now all on me.

Sorry but I need to vent myself
@edward237 Sounds like my life. Chuck in a 3 year old and 7 year old and that’s me. It’s tough isn’t it. I’ve just wrapped up week 1 and there are improvements but jeez, whenever I close my eyes, all I see is dog as that’s all I’ve done for the past week 24/7