Best collar to stop barking?

@sviar It’s a wild thought for a lot of people— but not every dog’s favorite thing is a human / being in a house. Hell, this is why most need a fenced in yard because they’d never see their pup again if it got the chance to bolt. Open yard and space is probably a better situation for most dogs than being in a house. 🤷‍♂️ they can do dog stuff out there haha
@jordan_tdwp Those aren't the type of dogs i'm referring to but rather the owners who leave dogs living in their own shit and filth outside with a bucket of food and maybe water, you know the type.
@seets Asking for a tool that will stop your dog barking is akin to asking for a nail that will hammer itself.

E-collars are not for “stopping” behaviors, they’re for communicating focus and commands to your dog. They don’t work for every dog and especially don’t work without intentional and careful training. E collars are not supposed to be punishments- ever.

Sonar dog barking devices SOMETIMES help to disrupt the behavior, but STILL you must reward the pooch for choosing to stop, and fast for them to understand “oh- you want me to bark less!”.

In my experience, a sonar device will make barking WORSE for breeds that have a predisposition to guarding/alerting behaviors. I have Great Pyrenees dogs, and sonar devices just make them lose their shit and attack the device!

You should absolutely consider the genetics and life history of your dog when picturing how to diminish barking.

For my guarding breeds, we practice focus activities a lot and I also accept that, some things they will always bark at. When a solicitor comes to the door, I don’t even try to deliver the command because I know they will prioritize their job of scaring the shit out of the solicitor first.

There is no overnight solution. This sucks to hear when you are sleep deprived.

During the training period, when you just have to prioritize your sleep over anything else, invest in good ear plugs and some vitamins to lower your cortisol at night. You are also emotionally effected by the repetition and that will make it harder to ignore/work through. Basically- you and the dog both need some TLC.