Didn’t get enough time with my sweet boy

@christopherinthedepths I went through my loss last March. I had barely 7 years with b4 cancer took her. She was my soul dog. I can tell u you will cry, I still do, but you going to also have memories that will pop up n make u smile n sometimes laugh. Talk to him as if he is still there because he is. There will come a day, where u will get another dog n u will open your heart to him or her n your sweet boy will be smiling down on you both.
@christopherinthedepths Wow. Your story is identical to my sweet 4 year old dog that passed in November. He was suddenly diagnosed with IBD after biopsies due to fluid in his abdomen. He didn’t respond to treatment and we said goodbye after 4 months of seeing specialists. I will never understand how it all happened so quickly. His case stumped his internist and many other specialists we saw. Our specialist team came to the conclusion that he could have had something else going on.. like a hard to detect cancer. All I can tell you is that this disease is very difficult to treat and manage in humans and dogs. It has been 6 months since I lost my baby boy, and I am still grieving hard. I have learned to accept that some things in the medical field don’t always make sense. I want answers that I cannot ever get. I’m finally accepting it. What i do know is I gave my dog everything and the best chance at recovering. I’m sure you did the same and your dog was well loved. Only the good die young.
@christopherinthedepths I am so very sorry for your loss. Dogs are just the best. I lost my best friend on 3/6/23. It has been so hard but it is getting more bearable. I hope that you find joy in all of the wonderful memories and the true gift that Jerry was to you and your wife. And the gift that you were to him. Hugs to you both.
@christopherinthedepths What a sweet guy,I’m so sorry OP. It’s clear how much you guys loved him and although his life was short, you made it great. I promise you he appreciated that. It doesn’t matter how short your time together was, you are all bonded forever. Rest in peace sweet Jerry.

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