Didn’t get enough time with my sweet boy

@christopherinthedepths It's never enough time, and the feeling of not being able to save them is horrible. My dog's last moments before they gave her the sedative were not fun -- She was clearly terrified and I haven't been able to get over it since. In one way, it made the decision easier, as I just wanted it to be over for her, on the other hand, I feel like I've re-lived that moment a lot. She had started having seizures in the months leading up to her last day.

I had a dream the other night that someone purposely hit her with a car while I was just standing there unable to do anything and it made me wonder how many of us feel guilt over being unable to save them?

Sorry you're going through this and I'm really sorry your dog was so young. Wish I had words to make you feel better, other than you clearly did the best you could for them.
@desales09 We don't. We think maybe something was starting to happen in her brain. This dog never, ever, tried to leave the house and one day she ran off and my mom said it was hard to catch her, as if she didn't know who she was. She had a case of pancreatitis but rebounded from it and the vets said she was otherwise healthy. She was a shelter dog so I don't know anything about her parents or what she went through as a puppy. We tried so many things to get the seizures under control but they just weren't working.
@spiralshells I have a border collie and hear seizures can occur in that breed and since I'm new to having a dog, I'm trying to be observant and cautious of any signs. I appreciate you responding.
@desales09 No collie in her from what I remember about her DNA test. Nothing came up until I’d had her for 10 years so it took us by surprise. I wish I could give some good advice but honestly we really didn’t know what we were dealing with.
@desales09 Seizures are usually manageable. I have a pom-chi that started having seizures at about 3 months of age. She's almost 3 years old now and still has weekly seizures despite the medicine, but I just hold her until she comes out of it and about half an hour later, she's running around outside with our other dog and playing with the cat. It's scary while it's happening, but it's not a tumor and it doesn't seem to effect any aspect of her life. Sometimes she's a little tired afterwards, but that's it. I'm epileptic myself and we actually take the same medicine, so it's easy to keep it in her system. Hopefully it gives you a little bit of peace of mind. Veterinary medicine has come a long way.
@christopherinthedepths I’m sorry for your loss. I recently went through the painful process of putting her to sleep and it hit me extremely hard and still does. Just like you I cried when I got her ashes and paw print. No matter if you had 3 years with him or 40 years it will never feel like enough. In the coming months make sure you do whatever makes you feel good and close to him no matter what anyone says and it doesn’t mean you love him any less.
@bigpaul So true. We lost our girl after 12 years, and I kept asking myself why we couldn't have had another 1-2-3 more years with her. But then I realized, it would never have been enough.💔
@baseball21 It never will enough. I lost my baby girl of 17 years almost a year ago and I will spend the rest of my life wishing I had more time with her and wondering if I could have done something to save her.
@bigpaul I still think about the dog we lost 10 years ago. He only had one truly bad day, he was over 10 years old and I was able to drive in to be next to him when he died in his sleep that night. And yet my older self still feels wistful about it. I still wonder if there had been things we could've done to give him more time.
@spiralshells Same. In the last year since I’ve lost her I’ve played the 17 years I had with her in my had and wondered if I had done this or that different would she still be here?
@christopherinthedepths I'm so sorry OP. Your good boy will send you your next squish when the time is right ♥️ until then, cherish all the memories. Find solace knowing that no amount of time is ever enough for us. But for your boy, you gave him a full and happy life of love and snuggles. I'm certain you were his world, and that was enough. ♥️♥️
@christopherinthedepths I’m so sorry for your loss.

Having a pet that has a bowl disorder is incredibly difficult. My boy also has IBD and we struggled a lot with diagnosing him and getting him healthy. It definitely can come on out of nowhere, and is hard to manage especially when they don’t respond to medicine. I’m sure you did everything you could for your boy and he knows that. He’s at peace now.

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