Didn’t get enough time with my sweet boy

@christopherinthedepths I so much so feel your pain. I had the sweetest best cat in the world. Last November he developed a tumor under his tongue. It was inoperable. He was perfectly healthy in every way but now he just couldn’t eat. He was only four. He fought the sleep shots. They had to give him two. It took him about 30 minutes just to chill. It was miserable. Good luck. You’ll still think about him from time to time even 6 months out. This song helps but it makes me start bawling my eyes out.
@christopherinthedepths you never forget about them but the pain does get easier to deal with. Think of all the good times you had with him and know he wouldnt want you to be sad because of him. You were lucky to have found each other and spend time together, never forget that.

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