Vets should offer a dog acclimatization program for fearful dogs


New member
Nothing too fancy. Just make a 5 min appointment, get the dog in the room, get it’s weight and vitals, shower with treats, repeat every other week until dog develops a positive emotional response

It would help so much at a really small cost which I wouldn’t be surprised if dog owners are okay with paying
@williamlhk Search for individual vets nearby! Today I was trying to find a fear free vet near me and none came up, but when I used their option to search for individuals a vet 2 miles away popped up. I called and asked and everyone there is certified, but getting the certificate for the practice would cost extra so they didn’t do it.
@realmajor1001 How do you find a fear free clinic? Asking cause one of my dogs is very anxious and have now been traumatized by my current vet who decided that the answer to a fearful squirrelly dog was to get three people to hold him down while forcing him through it all...
@katty3333i We offer this for free at my hospital & not a single client ever takes us up on the offer. We recommend it to every single nervous/reactive/apprehensive dog. “Swing by anytime, call ahead 10 minutes, staff will be there with cookies & a stethoscope & lots of love so we’re not so scary, we will always make time for a Happy Visit”. We’ve tried scheduling them, thinking that having a set appointment time would encourage people to show up. They just NCNS.

Not a single one ever takes us up on it, even if they think it’s a great idea in the room when we bring it up. Especially the dogs who come in frequently for needed care/injections/whatever, we really encourage it because it sucks when pets who need frequent visits get so stressed every time. But they never show, no matter how we emphasize the benefits of bringing them in for no reason at all other than building up their comfort & getting love so future visits don’t suck for pet & owner so much.

Boggles my mind.
@j77077 That’s so tragic! I have a seven mo old puppy who had a bad vet experience and is now terrified out of his mind at the vet and I’m planning to start taking him once a week to chill in the lobby and get treats! My vet doesn’t supply treats or do happy visits so I had to make all kind of special arrangements and will be bringing my treats from home just to go into the lobby and hopefully weigh him. I would do anything for a service like your offering!
@j77077 Yes!!! I wish so desperately more people would take us up on the offer. The ones who have, we’ve seen so much success with.
@j77077 Yep. Anytime we've offered it I've never had it actually taken up. No appointment, give people the quiet times, tell them we'll be happy to shower with treats and affection if appropriate, nothing bad happens.
Not one has taken us up on this.

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