Vets should offer a dog acclimatization program for fearful dogs

@katty3333i Our vet does not advertise themselves as fear free but they are always happy to let us stop in for a quick minute to get a treat and just say hi. It doesn't cost anything and we never actually go past the front reception area but it's been really helpful for my pups
@katty3333i My vet does this for new patients! The first visit is free and is just a “happy visit” where they meet the dog, give pets and treats, and show them items like stethoscopes, syringes, etc and let them sniff and investigate them without anything painful or scary happening. My dog loves the vet to this day even though plenty of “scary” things have happened there since.
@katty3333i I've scheduled multiple in-person med checks with our vet to discuss how Sheba was doing. I gladly paid full price for this to have a relaxed chat with the vet in person, get Sheba into the vet, get her weighed (give treats), into the room (give treats), vet comes in (vet gives treats), we chat and she sits quietly (gives more treats), we check out (gets treats), go to the car (you guessed it, more treats).

They are totally worth the money, but yeah, my vet would do this over the phone for free, and yeah, I would love it if it wasn't full price :)
@katty3333i My vet actually encouraged me to bring my dog in on our walks (we live within walking distance) we bring our dog in she gets lots of treats she stands on the scale and we go on our way. We try and do this once a week
@katty3333i I have this set up with my vet, she's not a "fear free clinic" or whatever, I'm just willing to walk my pup over.

The key there is that it's close enough to be on a regular walk route, and I'm fine just bringing him in to chat with the receptionist if my vet is out or busy at the time.
@katty3333i I would love this. We haven't got a set vet for my pets after we moved however he enjoyed trips for his needles and desexing.

The new vet we saw took one look at my dog and insisted on muzzling him and because of Covid I couldn't go in with him. He doesn't like going to this vet.
@katty3333i My vet does this. They call them "happy visits". You can either schedule an actual "exam" that's just taking the dog to the back to be showered with treats (it's not free bc the staff gives their attention solely to you and the dog)


You can just walk into the clinic and not go into the back and give them treats yourself and whoever is up front and/or free at the moment can pop out and say hi.

That said, I'm sure that whatever vet you have would be willing to charge you the minimum office fee (for basically having their staff section out a block of time just for you) to walk around the areas where the dog would normally go and do some basic exam type stuff to work on positive reinforcement. Actually, if any vet refused I'd question their integrity.

Edit: the minimum office fee at my vet is around 30 bucks, like just to be seen with no diagnostics. Very affordable for what is basically a 30 minute training session. But in these instances it's the actual vet that comes in with you - the person that would normally be the main one doing the scary stuff like aspirating a growth or giving an ultrasound/x ray.
@katty3333i I make a nail appointment with my vet for two dogs. One dog got it's nails done, the other dog got nails on one foot done. Also a weigh in.

After a year my reactive dog got all of his nails done and an eye injury examination. Nail appointments were $10 per dog.
@katty3333i My vet and techs are so great. When I got my 1st pup she was fearful of everything. The vet said we could pop by anytime. So sometimes we stopped in when out for our walk, the vet techs would shower her with attention and treats. She loves going to the vet. Also we took her to a puppy socialization class that helped a lot too. She is a calm confident dog now.
@katty3333i My vet does boarding, so I think boarding our girl at the vet gave her a positive association with the vet. They play with the animals and love on them at the kennels, so now she associates vet with fun yard time, scritches, plenty of treats, etc. She likes it so much we started getting her groomed there too!

Maybe find a vet that does more “fun” stuff like boarding or daycare. That could help your pup equate “vet” with “nice humans who won’t hurt me.”

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