Vets should offer a dog acclimatization program for fearful dogs

@katty3333i My vet does something similar to what your suggesting. We haven’t used it for our dog, but it worked wonders for our kitten who HATED going to the vet so much he had to get on anxiety meds before visits
@katty3333i While I 100% agree, just calling and asking I'm sure would provide some kind of results!

Just did it yesterday! The office was closed by the time I was able to get there, but (Banfield, attached to PetSmart) we were able to walk around the vet without any bustle, let my boy sniff. I'll be doing it again today, and then on Saturday I'm going to go during open hours and let him see.
@katty3333i Our vet did it for free. We had a perfectly fine first experience. However our dog still hates going there, I think mainly because of the other pets and the smells there. Which makes sense I think. I don't really enjoy going to the doctor or hospital myself either.
@katty3333i Our vet highly encourages owners to come in with their dogs at any time during their office hours! The front office staff are always friendly with lots of treats, and our girl gets to practice sitting on the scale and going into an empty exam room to sniff and do some tricks to help desensitize her. We don’t even have to call ahead, they just want us to come in frequently so she associates the vet as a place where good things happen (even if it smells weird and sometimes “bad” things happen). It’s also helped immensely with building her confidence in new places!
@kenbarrick My vets office is the same way! We drop in monthly for his flea and tick preventative, pop him on the scale, and then he gets his Flea and tick preventative there before we leave. You don't have to call ahead to pop in.

Hes literally so excited at the vets its unreal. And even when he gets his actual exams he's just happy that he's getting attention 😂.

I love it. My cat isn't AS big of a fan but puts up with it all without getting mean as long as he gets the good treats and can go pout in his carrier afterwards 🤷‍♀️
@katty3333i If you talk to your vet you can probably get "happy visits" which aren't at cost. (Although I did bring the office cookies.) Where they can walk them around the back and then slowly work them up.
@katty3333i My vet used to do this prior to covid. It's possible that your vet will allow you to bring your dog into the lobby, feed treats, and leave after a few minutes. This is something I've done with Smari and still can do now.

The issue is that I can no longer use an exam room for 5-10 minutes and leave, because they try to make sure to clean the rooms after anyone has been in them due to covid. Smari's vet phobia really kicks up a notch in the exam rooms. I'm hoping we can do "happy visits" where we can just go in an exam room for a few minutes again soon. Some vets do allow you to do this still, but my vet is choosing to be extra safe and I'm okay with that. Obviously I'd prefer to be able to work on Smari's fear more, but they are so accommodating to his needs anyway, even if the appointments are done with some sedatives on board and take extra time.
@katty3333i Several vets here (both fear-free and not) offer "happy visits". About $20 for 15-30 minutes of hanging out in the facility doing nothing scary. My dog doesn't do strangers or handling, so we've done a ton of them where the vet tech stands around while I play with him. Sometimes they play with him, depending on how he's doing. Eventually we hope to let them practice handling, but for now, just getting lots of experience in a really low-stress environment.
@katty3333i Pre-COVID my vet would encourage owners with new pets to stop in regularly just to say hi and get on the scale. The dog would get pets and treats and learn to associate the vet's office with happy things instead of being poked and prodded. Now that COVID restrictions are mostly lifted they are encouraging it again.
@katty3333i I didn’t realize this wasn’t a thing. This is a standard offer for fearful dogs at my vet.

Maybe ask to get nails clipped? Small fee and gets the dog in. Nails don’t necessarily need to be clipped.
@katty3333i I thought about this the other day, when I had to text my vet a question. I was thinking if we could just pop in, say hello, get some treats and roll out, it would be a great experience.
@katty3333i The clinic I work at does “happy visits” and encourages you to come in with your dog and get on the scale, walk around, and get treats!

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