The high-value treat Big Dog Food doesn't want you to know about

@charlie84 Oh awesome. We have stuff like this at our dollar store. I also have a travel water bottle that might work. Will have to try a few things out. Training my new rescue right now and our regular treats are doing nothing on walks against the squirrels.
@charlie84 My hounds hated veggies until we put them on a weight loss plan and after a couple of months of being hungry on healthy weight loss caloric intake they will now eat almost any safe-for-dogs vegetable I put in front of them (the farts are terrible, but being able to use carrots as training treats is nice and they get a little less hungry)

Probably not a problem for a healthy herding dog mix puppy like it is for my middle aged couch hounds though!
@charlie84 Not gonna lie, watching the beagle that only has half his teeth go to town on a whole carrot in lieu of a rawhide bone (which he can't have anymore) ia pretty funny.
@imagebeastmarkbeast If your dog is prone to soft stools, it very well could. For my current and past dogs, none of these ingredients would be particularly problematic. The pumpkin goes a long way for introducing fiber, and the probiotics in yogurt are usually easy on the stomach, though lactose may be a different story. That said, do what’s best for you and your puppy!
@charlie84 I make a smoothie of plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt, banana, peanut butter, and whatever frozen berries I have and mix in whatever is left in the treat bags (cookie dust, broke bits, or a little kibble) and freeze in an ice cube tray and my dog LOOOOOOOVES it! She brings me her Kong around 1pm everyday for snack time. I’ll definitely have to try with chicken! 🥰❤️
@deetz Just blend it, adding whatever liquid as needed until you reach a good consistency, and pour/scoop it into your bottle. Definitely keep it refrigerated if you’re planning to use it in the next few days, or you can freeze it without any issues! Super easy–the recipe I posted made about four tubes, which I expect will last us a little over a week with two dogs using it for a reinforcer
@charlie84 My go-to is a low-salt Ritz cracker or plain cheerios. My puppy loves the crunchy texture and will ignore just about everything around for a chance at one of these treats. I consider them as aces up my sleeve and only use them when I really need her attention, since they're not super healthy.