My neighbours don’t treat their dog well, what can I do?

@devandt Many places have noise bylaws that don't allow excessive barking (although the definition of excessive varies). If you want to go down that route, start recording the barking and reporting. If you can get other people to report too, that will make it more likely that they actually start getting tickets.

In the summer or winter a metal shed would not be adequate shelter, but you'd have to wait until it's hot/freezing to make that report. Provided it's spring/fall right now the dog should not freeze to death or get heatstroke yet (unless you're somewhere very hot or cold).

If you talk to them again, be extremely polite and tell them about your love of Rotties and how you'd like to spend time with him because you love the breed (and definitely not because they're terrible owners).

If there is a rottie rescue in your state/country, you can also ask them for advice.

You could also offer to buy the dog, but they may not be very receptive to that.
@klpotte3 I thought about buying him off them but I don’t need or want or have the capacity for another dog lol, I’d just be Buying him to sell him to a home I hope is better.
@devandt if i were you i’d call your city on her. my family just got an american pocket bully and while he’s very laid back, chill, always wanting to sleep, he’s a very high energy dog when he gets hyper. that poor dog deserves to be played with and cuddled and loved. being left out in the hot weather or cold weather is gonna make that poor boy so sick
@devandt Is a dog-napping and surrender to reputable rescue an option? (Hypothetically, of course. I would never suggest doing something that is illegal but helps an animal’s wellbeing. Nope. Definitely not.)

I truly do not understand leaving a dog outside overnight unless they’re specifically a guard dog (like, you’ve got livestock or something).

One of the best parts of my day is when my dog realizes it’s morning and she’s allowed in the human bed for a few minutes.
@devandt He sounds fine to me . Everyone's idea of what is best is different, but up until more recently, dogs were mostly outdoors. He is fed, sheltered, and has toys , he's got it better than some dogs . It's not against the law to keep your dogs in the yard . Of he's morbidly obese, the owners might get told to take him to the vet and get his weight under control.

Pretending for a minute, animal control took the dog from them... he'd be at risk for being euthanized .
@geoffrey300 Wow you are cruel if you think that sounds fine. Imagine being locked in a cage and given zero mental and physical simulation throughout the day but you do get food and water. Does that sound fine to you?
@flowerinthesky I'm just realistic after working in the shelter and dealing with animal control for so long. I know it's different in areas whose shelters aren't overwhelmed, but many are in the US . Animal Control in my area wouldn't do anything about a dog like this unless there's severe neglect of physical needs or abuse or if the animal is a danger to the public . Animal Control isn't going to do anything about the dog being lonely . I don't make the laws. Like I said, it's not ideal, but it's not considered neglect either . Shelter dogs are kept in cages and small runs and often go cage crazy for the older dogs . Having a yard is a much better situation in that sense. Older dogs don't usually get a live outcome in areas that are overwhelmed with strays and surrenders. Maybe OP lives in a great area where shelters aren't full, and there's no stray population, giving older dogs like him a better chance to find a home. Euthanasia at shelters in the US is about 1 million, and most of them are adult or elderly dogs.

It takes a very empathetic person dedicated to animal welfare, like myself , to work in overcrowded shelters. It's a sad place to be .

OP could call the police for a noise complaint with the barking and that might force the owner to do something
@flowerinthesky He's in a yard with shelter and toys and food . I don't keep my dogs outside but a lot of people do and the ones I've met are fine

Edit : I agree it's not ideal and needs more mental stimulation. Shelter dogs and dogs confiscated from animal control get way way less room than this guy and are still alone most of the time besides 2 or 3 potty walks
@geoffrey300 That's a bold jump.

A dog with no social interaction, physical exercise, or mental stimulation is a neglected dog.

While I realize that shelters are overloaded and dogs are euthanized daily, for absolutely NO reason, due to overpopulation, that's not an excuse to keep a dog in these circumstances.

OP has offered to help, to walk the dog, spend time with it, and was dismissed. That in and of itself shows that the owners don't care about the dog. The woman putting OP off, excusing it onto her partner, is pretty indicative that the dog is an afterthought, and a nuisance to them, and she doesn't want anyone to see the true level of neglect that the dog is experiencing.

I truly hope you don't have any pets, because you clearly don't understand that they are living beings who need interaction, stimulation, exercise, provisions, love, and care. This dog is getting the bare minimum... food and half-assed shelter. If you really think this is acceptable, then you're really no better than the owners of the dog we are discussing.
@andyb7777777 Again I said it isn't ideal but the US laws are what they are and I don't make them. Animal Control isn't going to take a dog bc it's lonely . Making a noise complaint is probably her best bet

I have tons of Animals and foster about 40 a year , I work at a shelter . I'm just being realistic about the way things are.
@geoffrey300 I totally agree with you. A lot of people seem to think that once ACC has them in custody, then all's well until they go to their loving forever home. Even a "no-kill" shelter will euthanize if the dog is very nervous or slightly aggressive, or keep him until he becomes that way from life in a shelter.

We don't live in a perfect world, and sadly there are far more dogs in need of a loving home than there are loving homes to go around.
@swiderskial People make a huge fuss and scream for justice and then don't come through in the end . The public demanded we take these 2 outdoor dogs, videos being posted daily about how the owner is irresponsible. The dogs were healthy and social but their owner was a nut bag. Finally, after almost a year, they were confiscated, and no one came through to adopt or foster . They went cage crazy and were euthanized bc you can put a bonkers dog on the adoption floor. Their owner was nuts for sure, but they had a pretty good life, went swimming weekly , they looked great, and followed the guy everywhere off leash. Fuckin sad
@andyb7777777 Op already said they aren't going to report bc they aren't breaking the law . If you're mad, direct it at lawmakers , not Animal Control or shelter workers. We're the ones doing the hard stuff

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