Support for false pregnancy


New member
Hello! I’m sorry for posting here with a non-breeding question but I thought this community is probably the most experienced in the matter.

My 9 months old dog was spayed on Friday, 2 months after her first heat. But now I’ve been noticing false pregnancy symptoms. She nests and nurses a toy, her mammary glands are very much enlarged. She didn’t have such symptoms before spaying.

So my question is what’s the best way to help her get through this as fast as possible? Remove toys or allow her treat them as pups?

Should I ask my vet for some kind of meds?

@lupuswarrior My girl did this after her first heat. I let her do as she wanted. She didn’t have enlarged mammary glands though…. I would check with the vet on that. Let her nest and care for her ‘babies’ as she wants though.