Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

@fightingbull542 My elderly parents ended up stuck with a Rottweiler named Betty(my sisters husband bought it, and they moved into an apartment where they didn't allow certain breeds), who while very sweet to us, had behavioral issues they weren't equipped to deal with. Long story short, it absolutely gutted this porn star neighborhoods dog (they live in CA), ended up getting sued for 15k for vet surgery, and then had to still put the dog down. Such a depressing story:(
@walknlight That is such a terrible situation and I am so sorry your family had to go through that. This was a constant fear I had…that some escalated incident might happen. Thank you for sharing your story to help comfort me and help me realize that I made the right decision. I truly appreciate it.
@fightingbull542 I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, but please trust that you did the right thing. What started out as nipping could easily turn into something far worse, and if she was living in such a constant state of fear, it wouldn't be a happy life for her to live however many more years of. You gave her peace, and that's the greatest gift an owner can give an animal that is suffering.

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