Need some emotional support. It’s the morning after behavioral euthanizing my sweet Athena

@fightingbull542 I'm so sorry. It hurts so much because you want it to work and you feel guilty because you had to make the decision.

You sound like you really tried. You gave Athena love and comfort. Despite this she still wasn't happy and relaxed in her home. It's not your fault. I never like the thought of healthy dogs being euthanized. However, it sounds like she spent a lot of time in flight or fight. That's a terrible way to live. I'm sure she just wanted to be a happy and good dog for you. You made a very unselfish decision for what was best for her.

I'm so sorry.
@emua It’s just tough because she actually was a pretty happy dog….however she was also still a pretty nervous dog. I don’t know…my head goes back and forth…but I take comfort in knowing that she was less scared of life compared to when I first got her and that she knew how much I loved her
@fightingbull542 I’m so sorry. It sounds like you did a lot to try to make life easier for her (and you!) and it just didn’t work. I’m sure you gave her as rich and joyful of a life that you could for the time that you could.
@fightingbull542 I am so beyond sorry for your loss, and for what you're going through. I went through this too, and I am truly full of sorrow for you and the situation. I hope you're able to take it easy. Please try to be kind to yourself while you move through the motions of your loss
@fightingbull542 I need you to say this with me. You did NOT fail her. You gave her peace and allowed her to leave with dignity instead of alone and scared after really biting someone. It sounds like you tried everything and this was the last option. You did NOT fail her.
@fightingbull542 you didn’t fail your girl, you loved her and did everything you could for her the entire time you had her, and when the world was still too overwhelming for her, you gave her peace. may you meet again
@fightingbull542 Know that you did amazing things for Athena. You showed her love and happiness that she probably hadn't experienced until you came into her life. What you did was so hard to do, and you did what was best for your family.

I also have an Athena, very fear aggressive to family members and friends that come to our house. She also came from a horrible home before us adopting her. We haven't made the decision to BE yet, but are concerned about bringing our newborn home in September.
@fireflyserenity Thank you for your kind words…I am remembering all the good times we had together and picture her cute and goofy smile…that helps. I feel better knowing that she knew she was deeply loved and was happy.

I am sorry you also have the concern about your pup…it’s so nerve wracking to not know and always be cautious. If it comforts you at all..Athena was actually amazing with kids..she was only fear reactive toward adults
@fightingbull542 I’m so sorry you had to make this choice. Euthanizing a dog is never ever easy, no matter the reason, but this reason especially comes with a plethora of guilt. I hope you know that despite your pain, you did the right thing. As a human being if I was so mentally ill that I was attacking people nonstop who were no threat to me, I would not want to be here. That’s no kind of life. You gave her all the love in the world and that included letting her go. I’m sorry.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Yes, I have had to put down previous dogs before…but it was for cancer and epilepsy. Although those instances were hard, this one in particular hurts more. There is a lot more guilt I have to navigate…but thank you for helping me put it into perspective
@fightingbull542 If her physical health had deteriorated as severely as her mental health had, would you still feel so guilty? You made the hardest choice and did what was best for your girl to end her suffering. You gave her peace.

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