So embarrassing to post but: I’m drained, and i feel like I was lied to about getting a puppy


New member
I’m too scared to post this on r/dogs but I have a 7 month old french bulldog that’s full of energy and light. while it shouldn’t be a problem, my living circumstances changed: I was originally supposed to move into a 1x1 with hard wood floors, didn’t happen, building got sold and rent went up. I got accepted to nursing school as well and the schedule they gave us doesn’t match the one we have now. I walk her, feed her, and we play but I can’t give her the life she wants and also my step dad made me feel bad for having her in apartment. I crate her when I go to school also because she gets bored SO fast that she tears up everything in my house and room. Then whenever i’m home, It feels like even if i play with her for hours, the energy never ends.

Now I feel like i’m obligated to keep her but I feel like I hate her. She tears but everything even though I redirect her, plays a little to hard to the point that I get bitten a little, when I open the door, she DARTS out and trampled an old lady in public.

Any advice? Different outlooks? My friend said you guys are much kinder on here.
@gym_class_hero There is no shame in rehoming her if you are not able to give her the life she needs. But I would use a well-regarded french bulldog rescue. They do a lot of checks to make sure the dog only needs one more home.
@gym_class_hero So what does a typical day look like for her?
Pups and dogs need plenty sleep so it’s not perse bad if she has x amount of hours alone but of course that means she will rest less in other hours because she’s already had a lot of her rest while she was alone.

So that means tiring her out and giving her the stimulation most dogs need.

A walk before you leave a walk when you get home.
Enrichment toys.

Plenty of dogs are happy in an apartment. We are in a RV all summer and dogs are plenty happy but they get their walks and other stimulation.
@giggabyte Maybe, honestly, it’s been so hot outside that i’ve been taking her in and out. I think tomorrow, I might walk her up and down my block instead REALLY early in the arm. Should be about two miles, should that help tremendously?
@gym_class_hero I think 2 miles is dangerous for a frenchie in this weather

I'd recommend putting in more info about your schedule in the post but frenchies need more on/off stimulation and naps than all nap during day then all stimulation in evening. They get crazy when they have been awake more than a couple hours and that's usually a sign they are due for a nap.

Getting her to walk well on lead needs to be trained through the next year and she should always be harnessed in/leashed up before opening the door. if she's trying to get out when you are leaving then set up a barrier by the door. These kind of dogs always go for the cars too and it's a real danger. Also frenchies are good apartment dogs if they're not barkey. They will settle down as they age and that amount of space will be fine as long as they're getting walks/stimulation.
@cybersaint Okay! So normal nursing school schedule:
8-:30-8:45 or so, I do my walk.
9AM leave for 9:30 lecture. I feed her and give her water.

I come back around 11:20. She gets a pee walk & then we head back in because it’s too hot. She stays ip and i’ve noticed I physically have to put her in the cage for her to nap. That usually happens around 1PM, I study, shower and get some food around this time.

I take her out again, 4:30 or so depends around what time i wake ip from my nap. She eats again, and shortly after we go got a walk.

Then she usually wanders around until 8PM, that’s her final walk & at 11, crated until the AM
@gym_class_hero I don't think the schedule is that bad, so you might need more indoor play time. Walking isn't enough for a lot of dogs, they need more interaction. Also bored dogs really benefit from different meal dispensing like puzzle toys
@cosgrove2210 Each dog is different and like you said the dog might just need different play. My dog gets tired FAST walking, but he can play for hours. I've met some dogs that play for like maybe 20 minutes and need a nap. It varies and varying the play and exercise will help.
@gym_class_hero Have you actually started training her during the day when she's not sleeping or walking? That will help her behave properly as she grows and learns more.

Looks like she's in the crate 2 hrs in the morning, then out for only 1.5 hrs before you crate her again for another 3.5 hrs. Then its a big stretch she's out for like 6 hrs but you didn't mention any training or mental/physical stimulation.

Mental stimulation will tire your pup out more than running around. And training can/should be a big part of that. Most training is be done inside where weather isn't a factor.

There's a lot you could do to do better since you seem to have a pretty chill schedule for yourself. But if you're not equipped to take care of the dog, you should definitely rehome her while she's young before she develops bad habits from lack of training and boredom.
@gym_class_hero This is a good schedule, actually. Have you tried feeding her a smaller breakfast and the rest at your noontime, but through a feeder toy? A puzzle or a frozen Kong will do her wonders. You could also hide small pieces of treat or kibble around your room and have her sniff them out. Mental stimulation is a phenomenal way to wear them out, and has the plus of keeping her out of dangerous heat.
@gym_class_hero I think 15min in the morning is quite short. Especially since there is hardly any exercise until you take her for her afternoon walk. Try a longer walk and also incorporate mental stimulation when you are walking her. Do some training, playing with toys, etc.

My 1 year old dog walks and runs for at least 2h a day and sleeps/rests pretty much for the rest of the day. I split into 2x30min and 1h in the evening. If I don't have to work late or on the weekends, he gets more, and 30min of his "walk" time are always reserved for training, which I do outside.
@sicarii Frenchies are brachiocephalic, meaning they're dangerously easy to over-work in hot weather, or due to over-exercise. They can suffer die much more easily than a dog with a moderate face. Mental stimulation might have to be indoors, and your exercise routine (while excellent for a normal dog) could be too much.

Brachiocephalic dogs are bred for form, not function.
@aristocatt Depends on the temperatures, though? No? I don't live in particularly hot climate, so when walking during morning and evening hours in shaded areas it can be pretty cool actually, even during summer. But I have no idea where OP lives, so there's that.
@gym_class_hero You could extend your morning walk a bit. Go a little earlier, for longer but walk slower. Work in 5min. of training with her breakfast kibble. Give her some sniff breaks. Bring along a tug toy she can only have when you allow it in a calm area. Play a very calm and short session of tug, work on that release, more sniff breaks. Finish up her breakfast and training at home…
When it’s hot we prioritise the morning or night walks when it’s cooler outside. So we tend to get up earlier than we usually would or go to bed later.
@gym_class_hero Do NOT walk a Frenchie — especially a puppy — for two miles in this weather. Hell that’s a lot even if the weather is perfect.

Get her a snuffle mat and feed her kibble or treats out of it. Mental stimulation goes much further than physical.
@survive777 Am I missing something? You said "in this heat" but I can't find where OP says they live. Most places in the US (even the hottest) are below 80 in the morning.

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