Petsmart effed up my dog’s grooming — where can I find the contract?


New member
Hey, I recently adopted a 3 y.o. husky/Samoyed mix (very handsome looking boi) and yesterday I took him to a Petsmart daycamp and scheduled him for grooming — just a Bathe & Brush — even telling them and repeating FIVE times that I did not want his hair cut (I’ve seen / heard enough horror stories from friends).

So I picked him up last night and guess what? The idiots cut his hair 🤦🏻‍♂️ Not a bunch but they did a horrible job and now his coat looks very choppy and uneven— the worst part (although not entirely due to the grooming process) is that when he was in his kennel he cut up his muzzle a bit and now he has some rather deep scars that don’t look like they’ll be healing anytime soon.

I already called the store last night and told them I would be coming in today to talk to the manager but I know that I also signed a grooming contract (admittedly without reading too closely, since I literally thought all he’d be getting was a bath) which likely limits their liability for their screw up.
I haven’t been able to find their standard ‘grooming contract’ online yet but I’d like to brush up on what’s in there before I talk to them.

Anyone have experience in similar situations? At the very least I’m looking for a refund but I’m also upset that his scars will likely rack up some vet bills — although I’m not sure I can expect any compensation there.
@matt11confused I took my dog to petsmart grooming his entire life, the last time I asked for them to trim his hair short but leave his tail alone and they shaved him completely plus his beautiful tail. His tail never was the same, it was very difficult to deal with. I’m not sure why they would ever have thought I’d want his tail shaved, it was nonsensical. He passed away but I never took him back there again and will never take my current or future dogs. I called and complained but it got me nowhere.