Okay to shave?


New member
I'm contemplating shaving my girl, but I can't figure out if it would be good or harmful? You know how some breeds have multiple coats of fur, and if you shave them it doesn't grow back right? Or, something like that? I'm not an expert, I just know that some breeds you shouldn't touch their fur.

As you may have guessed, Boba is a mutt, and I don't know enough about fur to be able to tell if her fur would be okay to shave. I wouldn't be doing this for aesthetic purposes but for her comfort. I think she looks adorable looking all fluffy like this. However, I'm planning on moving to Albuquerque, NM so I'm worried about long hair in that heat. In Seattle, she's almost NEVER cold. In her 2 years of life, I've seen her shiver once, and that's when it was like 15 degrees and we were standing still waiting for a bus. That's the only time she ever appeared uncomfortable in the cold. In the Summer (and Summers in Seattle don't get too hot), I've definitely seen her uncomfortably hot. She's never panted wildly or appeared to be anywhere close enough to being dangerously hot, but I'm pretty sure she'd be more comfortable with shorter hair when we're eventually in the NM heat.

5/8 chihuahua

1/8 miniature poodle

1/8 collie

1/8 unknown

I know you're not supposed to shave collies, but I don't know about long-haired chihuahuas and I don't know how much off her fur characteristics she got from the collie. I'm not going to make a decision until consulting a veterinarian, but I thought this might be a good resource for opinions as well. For aesthetic purposes, I'd leave that big bushy tail untouched, because I figure that's probably not a source of heat?



@pic_2727 I would strongly advise against shaving her coat type. A good deshed grooming every 4-6 weeks will keep her coat and skin in peak condition to help regulate her body temperature.
@pic_2727 No need to shave this dog. If it's too hot outside for you, it's too hot outside for your dog. Keep the dog inside when the temperature climbs. When it's warm outside make sure there is shade and easy access to water if your dog is out with you. Check pavement before allowing your dog to walk on hot sidewalks. If you can't keep your hand flat on the ground for 5 seconds it's too hot. There are cooling mats and cooling vests for dogs as well. Removing your dog's sun protection and insulation can cause skin issues, sun burn, and heat exhaustion. Dogs release heat through their paw pads.
@thankfullness I knew about touching the ground for 5 seconds, and I do that. I'd never heard of cooling vests; that's awesome. I'll have to get one, not while I'm still in the PNW but before heading to the SW. Thanks!
@pic_2727 These dogs don’t need to be shaved. Dogs don’t sweat like humans, and when they have doublt coats/thick coats, it acts as an insulator to heat and cold. Shaving her would most likely cause her to be hotter, higher potential for a sunburn, and could ruin her coat.
@pic_2727 Don't shave! Focus on deshedding instead, and if her booty, belly, or legs get matted often, you could ask for a perimeter trim that focuses on neatening those areas for easier maintenance.

Get a slicker brush and brush her out often to release loose hair and prevent compaction. That's how you can help her keep cool in the heat and warm in the cold.