Is a #10 shave for convenience ok?

@baotoan Me, doing weekly prep on a standard poodle in show coat after a whole ass week of poodles. Remind me why I wanted a standard poodle when I already specialize in poodles and 90% of my clientele are goddamn poodles? 🙃🙃🙃😭😭😭

Jokes, of course, I love my baby more than anything in the world, and it's soooo satisfying when he's done or competing, but goddamn. I am so tired. And I just have one! I know so many competitive groomers that have 3+ that they keep in show coat to make the rounds for competition on top of all their regular clientele. Groom team USA people are psycopaths.
@dtrpogod As a professional groomer, this is tough because personally I really try to not use a 10 if possible but on the other hand if the other option is the dog being matted then that’s a probably when I would say okay. It’ll be REALLLLLLLLY short for the first week or so but you’ll definitely be able to go longer in between grooms.
I’d aim for a 5 or 4. But remember whatever you use you want a nice clean coat yo work with.
Poodles and doodles and the like are very high maintenance things lol.
I have a standard poodle and he gets bathed once a week and a haircut whenever I happen to have time 😂