It’s it okay to walk my dog off leash if she has good recall?

@carson4 your dog will have good recall until she decides one day to not listen to you. one lady walked her big dog on my street without a leash and her dog ran all the way up my very long driveway, up my stairs and right up to my leashed small dog and began attacking. whole time she was calling after him, told cops he “usually comes back”. take it from me, always leash your dog unless it’s in your backyard or a dog park
@malgo It seems like “Usually comes back” means she never actually gave him proper training and she just thought she could trust him. If a dog is properly trained they look at you for permission to do any/everything. My dog won’t follow me through an open door unless I tell her to. But I know she has to be on leash and am working on making it okay while she potty’s.
@carson4 I live in a relatively un-populated area, so I occasionally let go of the leash--but I leave it clipped onto her. And I ONLY do this when I know there is no one around. If I see someone (or something, like a squirrel) in the distance, I just recall my dog and hold onto the leash again until I know it's safe again.

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