Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much


New member
Growing up I had dogs but as a family rule they were never to be in beds and were mainly kept outside. They had nice big dog houses and a doggie dog but my dogs all slept outside.

When I got older, dogs slowly came inside but still slept in their own bed. About four months ago I took in a litter of 9 foster puppies. As weeks went on they all started getting adopted out. I was exhausted to say the least but happy to find homes for all of them. Except max… max was my mischievous dog. He was the smarter but the sneakiest. I remember by day three I was calling him Maxwell when he misbehaved. And singing “max powwerrr” iykyk. And then started bringing him to my bed as his brothers and sisters all got adopted out.

Now 3 months later, I haven’t enjoyed anything so much. He loves the bed. He’ll leap into the bed and get so excited to sleep. He is a big snuggler and will get real close to me.
At the two month mark I just adopted him. I think the moment I called him Maxwell he was mine.
I need a bigger bed though, he fell off this tax as requested

Update: thanks for sharing all your stories. I love them all! My favorite thing is how much he sleeps like a human hahaha
@marierouse Truth. I have a king size bed. I am allowed 20%. The dog (or dogs, if the second one feels like it,) also have 20%.

The other 60% is empty space because we HAVE TO BE TOUCHING. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Ultimate comfort.
@valerie112 My lab doesn't believe in personal space. If you somehow aren't touching him at night he will scoot until he is laying on you. I usually wake up in the night with a very sweaty leg because he decided to lay on it.
@maronthor Truth! My lab is currently in my lap and draped over my recliner. I have no idea how he's sleeping. I have to get up to actually get in the real bed and already feel guilty for waking him.
@soldierofchrist45 My husband keeps showing me pictures he takes when he gets up for work before me, or wakes up to pee in the middle of the night.

Our husky mix likes to sleep as on top of me as possible. Touching is good, literally on top of me from my chest to my feet is better. It’s ridiculous and I love it.
@soldierofchrist45 Lol yup. I get 20%, my husband gets 20%, and our dog gets the remaining 60%. Sometimes she takes up most of it, other times she just rotates throughout the night. But we aren't allowed to use her space.

If one of us is out of town? Same deal. I might try to move to the other side and get some extra space, but she follows me and slowly scoots over until I'm down to 20% again 😂
@ijonz We slept with 2 dogs in a queen bed. We moved and were able to get a king size bed. We finally had room for another dog. Kind of. Between the 3 of them they take up half of the bed. Of course they are smooshed up against me. My husband asks me why I don't move them. Because I can't. iykyk LOL
@bible_mum Because they can't lay normally! Nooooo let's lay sideways across the bed and stretch out allllll the legs as far as they can go. Right smack in the middle of the bed, naturally.

And once they establish their spot, don't bother trying to change it. Jewel lays on my left side. Period, end of story. I moved into a new apartment and had to change which side of the bed I used, and she Will. Not. Switch. Sides. I have to get out on the back side with the narrow space if I get up at night so I don't upset my dog 😂😂😂

And then I got a second dog, and he usually sleeps in the crate (he's still a puppy, he'll get permanent bed privileges soon enough lol), but the last two nights it was cold so I put him in bed with us. But he had to sleep on my other side so Jewel wouldn't be mad. And he's bigger than her and not even full grown yet. So now I'm completely squished 😂😂

Totally worth it lol

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