My 5 y/o vomited last night


New member
Cleo went for her walk last night and was laying down. I thought she was asleep. All of a sudden, she vomited her full stomach contents. She vomited 4 more times within the hour, those were mostly bile, but quite a bit of it. She wasn't acting different before hand, and I didn't see her eat anything she shouldn't. Stayed up with her all night, she was very restless. This morning she had very loose stool and she appears very tired. I guess the tiredness is from being up most of the night. Any ideas?
@leighann33 Make sure she drinks water. Feed her some seedless watermelon/ cucumber if she loves it, for the water content. Small portions at a time. A spoonful of none flavored greek yogurt will always help settle their stomachs.

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