Most embarrassing moments? (funny)

@elizabeda777 One time my small but mighty Aussie slipped the surly bonds of Earth (her leash) while climbing from the car at our corner park. In the distance she saw it — her FAVE THING IN THE WORLDA TENNIS BALL! FLYING THROUGH THE AIR!!!

Off she sped like a meteor streaking toward the courts. The tennis ball hit with a solid THUNK! in the center of a player’s racquet, & bounced back above the net in a high perfect arc. In the same instant, Ms Aussie leapt from the pavement in a twin skyward arc of her own, her flawless geometry bisecting the ball’s orbit, & plucked it from the air.

The second player stood, dumbfounded, his empty racquet outstretched — catching nothing. Tennis Interruptus.

The two players stared as the whoosh of victorious fur sailed past their faces, touched down on the court, & vanished beyond the fence, ball in mouth.

I frantically chased after her, but the ball was sopping wet. So I scrambled to gather a few other balls abandoned in the grass & offered these to the players as a token of apology. They were not amused.

But to this day, when I grow weary of training a reactive dog, I’ll remember Ms Aussie committing her tennis ball crime … & I’ll relish that pure exuberance. 🎾
@elizabeda777 Trying to teach my Husky recall years ago. He blew off my command, found some fox poop (really stinks if you've never smelt it) to roll in, then ran out of the park into the village shop doing laps of the centre aisle with everyone jumping out of his way to avoid getting covered in fox muck.

Same dog when I thought we had the dunes to ourself ran over a sand dune to find a family eating a picnic and stole their sandwiches. Father paniced picked the kid up and ran off into the bushes, mother trying to shoo my dog away. (he was friendly but many people thought he was a wolf, 20 years ago and not many had seen Huskies back then)
@elizabeda777 That’s great! 🤣 At least someone listened when your own dog wouldn’t, I’d call that a success 🤣

Ah, happens to the best of us, don’t be embarrassed. All they had to do was watch you guys for a beat to understand you likely weren’t talking to them and if you were, you clearly felt you had good reason to while trying to get your reacting dog to calm dog about people coming into close proximity. While it’s nice you offered to go the long way, but next time just let them move off to the side and be on your way. You had nothing to be embarrassed over, you apologized and all should have had a bit of a laugh about the miscommunication. Good luck! ♥️🐾
@elizabeda777 my staffie × american bully LOVES ripping paper bags up, we were walking past a row of houses where the front doors are right next to the pavement and someone had a mcdonalds delivery bag outside their door, i told my dog "you cant eat that you'll get tubby" without noticing a 12/13 year old was stood in the doorway about to grab the food, i just carried on walking but i swear i almost had a heart attack, accidentally gave that kid a complex and was so panicked i didnt even apologise lmao.