Most embarrassing moments? (funny)


New member
Today i heard a dog coming near the path we were on so I kinda yelled out stop to my dog. I forget how loud I can be. Unfortunately the other dog owner’s heard and stopped as well. They thought I was talking to them… they looked a little surprised and maybe irritated that some tiny girl (I look wayyy younger than I am) just yelled at them when they are just minding their business with their totally normal dog. But I think they realized I have a beast bigger than me and were a little like “… and we are supposed to…?”

They were very nice about it, willing to move off the path, but I was very embarassed and said I’d just take another route after apologizing a bunch. Pretty sure they knew that any other route was an additional 0.25 mile but that’s okay. Me and my dog did a u-turn and left quickly. My dog picked up on my urgency to run away from the shame and we booked it without me having to cue him.

Please someone have something similar happen to them or else I’m going to fear for my reputation in my neighborhood lol.
@elizabeda777 Very sternly told my dog 'leave it' while walking and coming across a suspicious object that I did not want her eating. Another dog + owner were walking on the opposite side of the street. That dog was also investigating something. Both dogs listened to my command. Other owner was surprised and then had a good laugh once realizing what happened.
@elizabeda777 Not really the same situation but if it makes you feel any better I was in the middle of singing the song “shes so brave shes not afraid shes soo well behaved” when I was luring my dog through a playground set. And I turned around to realize there was a whole family right behind me waiting to go into the playground. I left after and they were all laughing, I mean it was kinda funny but I was so embarrassed lol.
@elizabeda777 Not really embarrassing, but funny: I walk dogs at a shelter near me on weekends. Many are varying flavors of reactive; some aren’t; regardless I am not allowed to let shelter patrons pet them on walks for safety reasons. (full time staff members handle meet-and-greets).

Once when I was walking a large energetic pit mix around my usual loop I see a family down the path and hear a kid scream “MOMMY LOOK A DOG FOR US TO PET!!” Followed by little thundering footsteps.

Fastest 180 this side of the Mississippi 💀 nope nope nope

Edit: honorable mention to the old dude who told me (on a separate occasion) “why are these dogs all in cages? They’re barking to be let out! You should let them out.” Yeah man…….. I don’t think that will go how you think it will
@elizabeda777 Sometimes my poor boy gets overwhelmed and upset (scared) on walks for reasons I don't totally understand. To snap him out of it, especially if I don't have treats, I'll sing to him, saying he's such a good and brave boy and so smart and special and brave, etc etc etc. sometimes I might skip a little too. Recently I was doing this and came up on some strangers who witnessed the whole thing. I was definitely embarrassed lol
@elizabeda777 I posted about this a couple of weeks ago but my dog was trying to calm down and I grabbed his harness and it popped open because he wouldn't sit still. He then ran across the street and proceeded to charge at a lab mix. He's a 6 lb Yorkie 💀 The lab mix just looked at him like "???" while my dog was losing his mind.
@elizabeda777 I've freaked out a police officer before. I was at my son's school and the school resource officer came to my passenger side window to talk to me. I take my dog with me and he doesn't like when men talk to me. As the officer was talking, my dog started to low growl and I shouted " Shut up and lay down!". The officer thought I was talking to him 🤣🤣🤣 We had a good laugh when I told him I was talking to the dog.
@elizabeda777 Not related to reactivity but one time I was leaving a beach and had to follow some people across a narrow walkway. I'm telling my dog "keep moving mister, let's go, keep up" and embarrassingly didn't clue in that there was an older gentleman walking slowly in front of me! The man turned around and noticed I was talking to my dog and laughed, thank goodness!
@elizabeda777 Our girl robbed a kid. Her muzzle was off since there were no dogs around but I had strapped it to her harness so I didn’t misplace it.

She stuck her nose in a kid’s pocket, took his sour patch kids and tried to make a break for it. I was mortified since I didn’t know the mom very well and I knew some folks had “thoughts” about the big pitbull mix who wears a muzzle everywhere.

She was lovely and there were so many “so that’s what the muzzle is for” jokes.

As for my pup she loves nothing more than being the centre of attention so she had a blast.
@mishkan My dog also steals sour patch kids 🤣🤣 if I give my daughter one of the small packs, I have to give the dog his own or he won't leave her alone. He will lay in front of her and go through all his tricks (sit, lay, speak) thinking it will impress her enough to share. Some times he just lays there and does his "demon dog" and just barks and growls (he does it with the speak command). He is a spoiled doggo brat. Shepherd mix and tons of personality.
@elizabeda777 Mostly the way I talk to my dog so she understands me I think. Plenty of situations similar where my dog just freezes and growls, or if she doesn’t freeze she doesn’t growl while backing her big butt up on me
@elizabeda777 Similar encounter here! I was carrying my dog in a sling as we entered my apartment building. On the left is our little mail nook, where two people and their dog were about to exit. I felt my pup start to squirm around once he saw them so I said, “Hey, stay in there!” to keep him from jumping out. Only after I got on the elevator did I realize they probably thought I was telling them to stay in the mail nook!
@elizabeda777 A neighbor put a mirror against their garden wall facing the sidewalk. My Chiweenie went ballistic when she saw herself - kept trying to get behind the mirror for a sneak attack!