Making the jump from corporate to mobile


New member
I've been grooming for roughly a year now at Petsmart. I'm not even quite in S.I.T. yet.

As much as I love this job, it just doesn't pay enough, so I've started looking into other options. While at first I was just looking for an unrelated second job, I found out about a mobile grooming company that was really looking for new groomers.

This grooming company apparently offers high end services, and has a high salary range. I applied not expecting to hear back but they apparently really liked the pics of my grooms I sent in and want to set up a working interview.

I'm excited by the prospect, but I'm having some self doubt creeping in. I feel like I've barely even started as a groomer, and recently my salon hasn't been busy so I haven't been able to get the practice I need in. I've been wanting to move up to a regular five dogs a day at my salon, and have been able to manage that when it happens, but lately I haven't even gotten more than three dogs a day.

This mobile company is expecting something like 5-6 dogs a day baseline. They also sound like they serve pretty high paying clients, I expect many of them are going to want grooms a little more indepth than "#7 a/o tbh."

And to top it off of course I've never worked in a mobile grooming environment.

I really want this opportunity to work out. The pay would be life changing, and it sounds like they'd have a LOT of work for me. I've been wanting to eventually transition to private/mobile grooming, but I didn't think I'd get any interest like this until after I'd gotten out of SIT at least.

I'm still going to do the working interview, maybe they'll reject me then, but I'm worried if they do take me on and I leave my current job I'll fall on my face and they'll fire me, and then I'll be stuck out of grooming entirely.

So basically, would going after this opportunity right now be too much of a jump for me?
@ukuwiwev I'd say do it. Grooming salons are a dime a dozen, and if it doesn't work out in mobile, you won't be out of a job long. In 14 years of grooming, I've never not had a new job within days of leaving an old one.

That being said, 5-6 dogs in mobile would have to be a no for me. 4-6 is most groomer's salon average. Mobile, you have to add driving time, which extends your day considerably. But, you're not me, and you never know until you give it a go!
@ukuwiwev I say at least do the working interview. The main thing that might not make you a good match at this very moment is your speed. However if they like your grooms, they may be willing to work with you on that. Worst case scenario, you don’t get the job now but when you have a bit more experience, you can try applying again!

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