my dog’s recall worked perfectly in an emergency and it’s making me cry

@slowmotion1952 That’s awesome! Something similar happened to me a few months back. My dog loves to take off and will probably never be able to be unleashed intentionally so my main goal was always to have recall in case of emergency.

Well one afternoon I went to take her on her walk and I guess I was just stressed or spaced out at the time. I get her in her harness, grab the leash, open the front door, start walking a couple steps on my front porch, then all of a sudden my dog is at the end of our driveway. I look down still holding the leash in my hand, I forgot to clip it to her harness 🤦🏼‍♀️ I panic thinking she’s about to take off in the street, yell her recall word, and she comes sprinting back to me and I leash her up.

It was the first time I had to use it in a real life situation and I was so proud of her I cried during the rest of the walk. It’s so nice when you and your dog’s hard work pays off, especially in an emergency.
@slowmotion1952 Nice job! You probably cried because you knew something bad would’ve happened if he didn’t come back!

I lost my dog a few years ago on a walk, ran around looking for him luckily someone found him and took him home (address on collar) and I only cried when I got home and hugged him
@slowmotion1952 That’s amazing! We are still struggling with our training but getting better every day. We’ve been playing hide and seek but just with the thought of seeking. I’ll definitely switch it up to “here” since he loves the seeking and finding part!
@slowmotion1952 ya its nice when it works in a pinch. I just wanted to see if it worked at the dog park before he goes barreling over to greet a new dog, it does sometimes, he's slowly learning.