Victor dog food recall - seems extreme?

@pioneer3mm I'm a total helicopter dog mom, I basically watch my dog's every move including every bowel movement. In the 3 years I've had him, he's never woken me up in the middle of the night but for two nights in a row he did wake me up, desparate to go outside to spew liquid poop shortly after starting on a recalled bag of Victor's hi pro and right before the recall was announced on Nov 9. It was obvious that the kibble was the cause. He was fine after a few more days so I didn't report it or go to the vet. I can only assume other people didn't either.
@pioneer3mm I had to take my dog off Victor right around the recall because it was destroying his GI tract. He had been on Victor for over a year without any issue. The bag I got wasn’t recalled but my dog was pooping bloody mucus and had horrible diarrhea. We did a full blood and G.I. panel, and nothing came back positive. Total mystery disease until I switched his food to hills, science diet and he’s completely back to normal. I will never be feeding Victor again.
@pioneer3mm I agree there wasn't enough information, without this forum the only thing mentioned was humans getting sick not dogs, which makes it seem more limited and mysterious. I'd especially like on steps to prevent this happening again and when it will be back on shelves. It is one of two dog foods my dog can eat due to allergies to everything but meat lol, and the other brand she doesn't digest well. This is the first issue they've had but I think they changed owners? I really hope it gets back on track.
@pioneer3mm I just got a bag of classic From a food Bank or shelter two weeks ago and thought My dog was being picky for not eating it after I tried 3 times to feed it to him the second time he knocked it over I thought something up a Then I saw a red sticker over the UPC label and decided to look it up on the web , sometime he's smarter than me thank goodness ✌🏼🤠
@pioneer3mm Does anybody know if this includes the treats made by them too? The hi pro strips dog treats?? I don't see anything about those on their website and you can still order them on Amazon