Last week throwing tantrums being put in crate, this week eagerly diving in


New member
Last week was BAAAAD. Our schedule had changed, not by a ton but a noticeable amount. Went from 2 1-hour lunches at my WFH home, to a single 1-hr lunch (woohoo accommodation for service dog pup). Barking, loudly, for minutes.. and I live in a basement suite, so it's not great for my upstairs neighbour either.

I don't remember explicitly teaching him the words "pen", or "crate", but he seems to know them. They really only stuck this week.

We are practicing on distance from the crate, for him to go in willingly. We can do it from like 8-10ft right now. His special crate treat in the morning has been... half of a carrot! Or a few pieces of kibble later in the day. After that, 0 fuss about staying in there (after being awake and active for an hour beforehand).

Very much needed after an awful week of barking and tantrums, I definitely like him again.

Puppy tax.

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