Just ranting about my Petco trainer

@faithoverfear Just go to a real trainer. I’m sure Petco has some good trainers but the people who go there seem to have terribly trained dogs. And I’ve found they just completely stop training once they’re done with that course.
@faithoverfear I think the trainer has poor people skills and you may be a little on the sensitive side. As far as point 2, I don’t understand. Did your vet tell you that she will not be able to hold her urine because of vaginitis (which is mostly true) and that vaginitis will resolve after a heat cycle (never heard of that)? Huh? Were treatment sent home/done for the vaginitis? And yes, I agree, small dogs do need to be held to the same standards.
@faithoverfear From location to location, Petco trainers level very. I know one that was amazing. My work (a shelter) also got an employee who was the worst at reading dogs. Kept getting bit because of this. Could not teach a dog to sit. And apparently she also worked at petco as a trainer. So mileage may vary.

Edit to add: you work at a open intake shelter long enough you will get bit, we get dogs from every imaginable situation, and they are often stressed AF when they first get here. But this ‘trainer’ was excessive.
@faithoverfear I had a PetSmart trainer that would spray the dogs in the face with water if they were barking. He also tried to get my puppy to play with a laser pen.

You should be able to get your money back or maybe switch to a different trainer if they have one. Unless your almost done with the class.
@faithoverfear Check out apdt.com if you're interested in training with a professional, highly skilled trainer who is tested, certified, and has already put in the hours. I have mixed feelings about group classes, personally. It's so much easier to teach/learn a new skill in the most non-distracting environment then add more distractions, bit by bit. Five other puppies in a small area is hella distracting!
@jbob1724 APDT includes lots of terrible trainers in their directory too - they don’t verify that trainers are properly qualified or adhere to their code of ethics prior to signing them up as members.

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